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Ouran's Newest Student


We're Doing What?!

(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

   I laid on my bed doing what I do best, reading fanfiction and fangirling until my parents threaten to take me to a therapist. After reading a horrible (f/a) fanfic, my cat, (c/n), jumped into my bed and let out a short "Meow!" My room looked like the room of a typical Otaku, with posters from every anime imaginable, from Death Note and Attack on Titan, to Hetalia and Madoka Magica. I let out a heavy sigh, and started petting (c/n)'s head as I move on to another shitty fanfic. "Why can't my brother just not be part of a band?" I asked, knowing that I wouldn't get answer from (c/n). I wanted to hang out with (b/f/n), but s/he was out of town for the weekend. Suddenly, the music stopped. Finally, I thought happily. Some peace and quiet. "(y/n)! (o/b/n)! Come here for a minute!" I heard my mother call. I sighed, picked up (c/n), and reluctantly left my room.

    "Come on, mom," (o/b/n) sulked. "Don't tell me that my awesome garage band was too loud again!" "That's not it," Mom replied, forcing herself to be patient with him. "Hi, (y/n)!" She was never cheerful towards (o/b/n), but was the nicest person in the world to me. "Now that you're both down here," she began with a smile. "Your father and I have something to tell you." (o/b/n) and I turned to see our dad sitting on the grey couch with (c/n) in his lap. "Do you two remember when I bought that lottery ticket yesterday?" he asked. "No," my brother and I sighed sarcastically. We both knew all too well that he loved buying lottery tickets. His dream was to win the jackpot at least once before he died. "Well, I did, and guess what?" he asked, looking like he was about to kill someone. "We won the jackpot!" "What?!" (o/b/n) gasped. "How the hell is that possible?!" I was too shocked to respond, so I just stood there like an idiot, with my mouth agape. "That's right!" Dad laughed. "I can't believe it, either!" 

   "That's not all!" Mom smiled. "We're moving!" "That's not fair!" (o/b/n) pouted. "Where are we moving to?" I asked, hoping it wasn't too far away from here. "We're moving to Tokyo!" both of our parents chimed. "We're doing WHAT?!" I screamed. "You can't just do that! Think about us! What about our friends, and-" "Now you understand how I feel, runt," (o/b/n) grunted, cutting me off. "You two are going to love it!" Dad grinned. "That's where your precious anime is from, (y/n)! By the way, we already enrolled you two in schools!" "You WHAT?" (o/b/n) shouted. "That's right!" Mom smiled. "(o/b/n), you're going to Gakuen High School. (y/n), you're going to Ouran Academy! Here are your uniforms!" She tossed us our uniforms. I felt kinda jealous of (o/b/n), but hold on. Those two names sound familiar, but how? I shrugged as my brother showed me his uniform. He held up a white polo with a beige vest and the school's symbol on it, a pair of blue plaid dress pants, and sighed. I held up a yellow, long-sleeved dress and a pair of white tights. "You've got to be kidding me," I muttered under my breath as (o/b/n) started laughing hysterically.

    Not only did I hate wearing uniforms, but I also hated wearing dresses. I decided to call my friend to arrange a sleepover before we left for Tokyo. It wasn't long before she picked up. "Hello?" (b/f/n) asked. "Hey, I know it's a bad time, but we need to talk," I replied, trying to fight back tears of anger. "(y/n)? Are you okay?" s/he asked, sounding concerned. "Yeah," I lied. "I just found out that we're moving." "WHAT?!" (b/f/n) screamed. "You can't go! We'll still see each other, right?" "I'm afraid not," I replied, sadness hidden in my voice. "We're moving to Tokyo." "You can't just move away!" s/he pouted. "Don't worry," I assured (b/f/n). "We can still text and call each other!" "How about Skype?" (b/f/n) asked. "Totally!" I laughed. "Your Poland is showing, (y/n)!" (b/f/n) laughed. "Shut up!" I teased. "Do you want to spend the night tomorrow for one last time together? I'm not leaving for another week." "Yes, dude!" (b/f/n) cheered. "Your America is showing, (b/f/n)," I chuckle. "I hate you," (b/f/n) replied sarcastically. "I love you too!" I cheered, hanging up. Why me? I wondered. Why out of seven billion people does it have to be me? I sighed and plopped myself back on my bed. I'm never gonna get used to this. 

End of Prologue 


Hey, Reader-Chan! I forgot to tell you that the question marks in the title means that this story will eventually be a cross-over between OHSHC and another anime. Which one? That's for you to find out! I will leave little hints here and there, but it is your job to figure out what the second anime is! Whoever gets it right between now and the time I introduce the other anime will get a follow from yours truly! So, guess away, my lovelies! 

Do not be afraid to leave suggestions and constructive criticism! Keep calm and make pasta!

-Lizzie-Chan, signing off ;)

Ouran's Newest Student (OHSHC x Reader x ?????)Where stories live. Discover now