Chapter Seven

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Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter Seven

Uninvited Guests (Part One)


(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

   After a failed attempt at chasing Tamaki around the music room with a shoe, I heard a few unfamiliar voices from outside. "Will all you bloody wankers please shut up?!" a British voice hissed. "The last thing we want is for anyone to spot us!" "Iggy's right!" an American voice, well, let's just say tried to whisper. "Don't call me that, you git!" the first voice complained. "You all are-a idiotas!" a pissed-off Italian voice growled. "Why are we even here?" a quiet, shy voice asked. "GHOST!" the second voice shouted, followed by several voices hissing, "Shut up, Alfred!" "I don't think we are alone this afternoon," Kyoya frowned. He must have heard the voices too, so I couldn't be going insane. "What makes you say that, senpai?" Haruhi asked. "I haven't the faintest idea, actually," he replied, scribbling away in his creepy Death Note resembling notebook. "However, I am hearing several voices from outside, one of them sounds oddly similar to mine." He shivered at that thought, but immediately shrugged it away by assuming, "It must be another idiotic prank." 

   "A-Are you sure about that?" I asked. "Because I hear them, as well." "Like Kyoya said, (y/n), it's probably just another stupid prank," Haruhi assured me. "You know he's never wrong, so just ignore it." "Okay, I guess," I replied as I turned to see what looked like a group of guys scrambling to a get-away car, as if they'd just robbed a bank. I cocked an eyebrow for a moment, but immediately shrugged as I followed the other members to Tamaki's house. 

******(wibbly wobbly timey wimey... skip)******

   Once we arrived at Tamaki's house, I felt my (e/c) eyes pop out of my sockets in shock. His house was so huge, it put the White House to shame! "Damn...." I muttered in awe. "(Y/n)?" Haruhi asked. "A-Are you okay?" I nodded slowly and replied, "How. Can. He. A-Afford-" The rest of the hosts cut me off with their laughter. "Your reaction is too funny!" the twins laughed hysterically, high-fiving each other and trying not to fall on the ground. "You're cute when you're surprised, princess," Tamaki chuckled as he ruffled my (h/c) hair. "You've never seen a larger house than this, (y/n)?" Kyoya asked as he cocked an eyebrow. I shook my head slowly, not able to say anything. "That's how I reacted at first," Haruhi smiled as I finally recovered from the surprise. 

   The outside of Tamaki's house was only the beginning, as my eyes widened at the sight of the inside of his house. It was almost like he was a Time Lord in disguise; his house was bigger on the inside. The hosts began laughing again as they noticed the look on my face. "Before (y/n) passes out from shock," Tamaki teased. "What do we want to do first?" "I don't know," the twins replied. "How about 'Would You Rather?'" Haruhi suggested. "I 'would rather' not play that game," Tamaki replied, earning eye-rolls from me, Kyoya, and Mori. "How about 'Seven Minutes in Heaven?'" Hikaru asked. "How will it work with only two girls?" Kaoru questioned. "Good point," his twin pouted. "How about 'Truth or Dare?'" I asked. The other hosts exchanged glances before Honey shouted, "Great idea, (n/n)-Chan!" 

   "Who's going first?" Haruhi asked. "Why don't we let (y/n) ask first?" the twins replied. "This is to welcome her, after all." "Okay, then," I smirked, turning to Tamaki, who was happily munching on some fancy tuna. "Tamaki, Truth or Dare?" I asked. He returned my smirk and replied, "Dare, obviously!" "I dare you to prank call the last person you texted," I chuckled evilly. "Alright," he grinned as he dialed the number. He left the room, only to return a few seconds later. "Honey-senpai, Truth or Dare?" he asked, an evil smirk spread across his face. "Truth!" Honey replied. "Between Haruhi and (y/n), which one would you rather date?" "That's a hard one!" the third-year complained. "They're both so nice and pretty! But, if I had to choose, I'd say (y/n)!" I could feel my face turn multiple shades of red at his response. 

   "Haru-Chan! Truth or Dare?" Honey asked cheerfully. "Truth," Haruhi replied. "Aw, you're no fun!" Tamaki whined. "Do you like any of the girls you've hosted?" Honey asked curiously. "As friends, sorta," Haruhi admitted. "As love interests, no." Honey frowned a little at this until Haruhi asked Kyoya, "Truth or Dare?" "Truth," he replied. "Why do you carry that notebook with you?" she asked. He paused for a moment, then replied, "I don't use this just for financial records. I also use it to keep a mental record of each of you." The other hosts' eyes widened in shock, which made Kyoya chuckle. "I was only joking," he grinned. "It's only for financial records." He then turned to Mori, "Truth or Dare?" "Dare," Mori replied. "I dare you to be more open for a whole week," Kyoya smirked. "Okay," Mori shrugged it off and turned to the twins, "Truth or Dare?" The twins exchanged glances and cheered, "Dare!" "I dare you both to have a dance contest later tonight," he chuckled. "Okay!" the twins cheered while muttering to each other, "You're going down!"

   They stopped once Tamaki cleared his throat, signalling to continue the game. "(Y/N)!" Hikaru cheered, while his brother asked, "Truth or Dare?" I paused for a moment and thought to myself before answering, "Truth." Tamaki slightly frowned at this until the twins asked a question that shut me down: "What are you hiding from us?"


End of Chapter Seven

Uninvited Guests (Part One)


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