Chapter Two

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Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter Two

What the Hell?

(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

   I slowly turned on the doorknob and opened the door. Suddenly, rose petals flew into my face and a beaming light nearly blinded me. I quickly turned away, hoping not to do any damage to my (e/c) orbs. I opened my right eye, wondering if it was okay to look again. Knowing that the light was gone, I opened my other eye, shrugged, and found a nice spot to work on my sketches. Seriously, I wondered. What the fuck is wrong with this place? First, everyone is awfully cheery. Then, the library is packed with people. Now, rose petals fly into my face? I swear, everyone here is on drugs! I decided to draw a few cherry trees after seeing some beautiful trees on my way here. Needing some music to help me get inspired, I flipped through my playlist, and selected 'Excuse Me, I'm Sorry.' I smiled as I placed my earbuds in, and began to draw the tree trunks. 

(A few minutes later)

   I stared down at my (f/c) watch, and found that I had 45 minutes left until my next class, Biology. I added a few final touches to my cherry trees and grinned, satisfied. I wrote my first and last initials in on of the trees' trunks, and wrote "Serenity" at the bottom of the page. I opened to the next clean page and wondered what to draw next. "Where did you learn to draw like that?" a voice asked, making me jump. I turned to see a boy (or was it a girl?) with short, brown hair and hazel eyes. "I-I'm sorry," s/he stuttered. "I d-d-didn't mean to s-scare you!" I set my sketchbook and pencil on a nearby table and started to back away slowly. "W-Who are you?" I asked, terrified. "I'm Haruhi!" he smiled. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" I asked. "Go ahead," Haruhi beamed. "Are you a girl?" "Uh...." s/he replied. "Y-Yes. P-P-Please don't t-tell anyone." "Don't worry!" I replied with a fake grin. "I won't tell a soul!"

   "You better not!" two voices shouted as I felt two sets of hands grab my arms. I began to panic again. Haruhi noticed this and screamed. "Hikaru! Kaoru! Let her go!" "What if she tries to run away?" I turned to see two boys with red hair and brown eyes. The fact that they spoke in unison freaked me out at first, until I realized that they were twins. I tried to back away again, but ended up accidentally bumping into someone. I jumped and spun around to see a dark-haired guy who was wearing glasses in front of his dark eyes and holding a notebook. "There's no need to be frightened, madamoiselle," he grinned, almost sounding like France from Hetalia for some reason. I ignored him, and started to back away, looking behind me every so often to make sure I didn't run into anything or anyone. I nearly screamed as I felt something wrap around my right leg. I looked down to see a boy who looked like a second-grader holding a pink rabbit. "Hi there, miss!" he chirped. "I'm Honey, and this is Usa-Chan!" Another dark-haired man came and removed Honey from my leg. "I'm sorry about him," he chuckled. "He loves new people."

   Trying not to scream, I tried to run towards the door, until I felt a strong hand wrap around my wrist. "Not so fast, princess," the voice cooed. I turned to face a blond guy with piercing dark-blue eyes. My breathing became heavier, I suddenly felt dizzy, and my legs felt like Jell-o. The blond started to caress my cheek, in the hopes of calming me down a bit. "I didn't get a chance to welcome you to the host club," he smiled. Host club? I wondered. Suddenly, I felt myself fall backwards towards the ground, and fell to a peaceful darkness. The last thing I heard was, "Say something, my princess!" I assumed it was the blond guy, but before I could figure out for sure, I fell into unconsciousness.

(Haruhi's Point of View)

   During our free period, the hosts and I decided to go over plans for our next party. Suddenly, I heard the door open and saw a (h/c) girl walk into the room. Must be a new student, I thought. "Haruhi?" Tamaki asked, waving a hand in my face. "Huh?" I asked, losing concentration. "I asked you if you were alright, my princess," he grinned. "Don't call me that," I sighed as he cowered in his corner. "And, yes, I'm fine. But, I don't think we're alone." "What does that mean, Haruhi-Chan?" Honey asked. "I saw someone walk in here," I replied, receiving horrified glances from each host. "She's a new student. I think it's her free period, and she's looking for a place to study." "Let's find out if that's the case," Kyoya suggested. The other hosts agreed. 

(Time skip because I'm not gonna repeat that scene.)

    Before her (e/c) shut tight, Tamaki ran towards her and shouted, "Say something, my princess!" But, we were too late. She had passed out in our club room. "What now?" the twins asked, staring at her unconscious form. "We can't just leave her here!" Honey exclaimed, only to have Mori shush him. "He has a point, boss," Kyoya agreed. "We should take her to the school nurse." "I'll get her belongings, and I'll meet you all there," Tamaki grinned. "Okay," we replied as the twins each grabbed one of her arms. 

End of Chapter Two

What the Hell?


Ouran's Newest Student (OHSHC x Reader x ?????)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang