Chapter Three

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Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter Three

Meeting the Hosts

(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

   I reluctantly opened my eyes to find that I wasn't in the music room. W-What the...? I wondered. I took in my surroundings, until my train of thought was interrupted by a woman's voice. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" I turned to see a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. "H-How do you know m-m-my name?" I stuttered, placing a head on my aching head. She giggled and replied, "I'm the school nurse. I know all of the students who enter my office." "How did I get here?" I asked as she handed me a small orange pill to relieve my headache. "A group of nice young men brought you here," she explained as I swallowed the pill. "They gathered your belongings and brought them here. They even went as far as to refuse to go to their classes to stay by your side and make sure you were okay." "W-What time is it?" I asked. "There's only a half hour left until school is over for today," she replied. "What?!" I asked. "I've been out for almost the entire day?!?!" 

   "Shh," the nurse replied. "I'll go get them if you want me to." "That sounds great!" I replied. A few seconds later, Haruhi opened the door and smiled. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah," I replied. "I just have a headache, that's all." She grinned as the twins arrived. "Are you alright, miss?" one of them asked. "We're sorry if we scared you!" the other smiled weakly. "It's okay, Hikaru, Kaoru," I giggled. "The nurse told me that you guys skipped classes because of me. You really didn't have to do that." "Of course we did, madamoiselle," the dark-haired guy with the glasses smiled. "It's our job as the host club to make sure every girl is happy." "Well, thank you, um...." I began, but stopped when I realized that I didn't know his name. "I'm Kyoya Otori." he grinned, taking my hand and kissing it. I tried my hardest not to blush, but failed miserably. 

   "Mori-Senpai?" an all too familiar voice asked. "Is she okay?" "Yes," the other dark-haired guy answered. "Hello, miss." "Hello," I replied. "Hi, Honey!" "Hi, miss!" Honey smiled, wrapping himself around me and handing me Usa-Chan. "A-Are you sure?" I asked, taking it out of his hands. He nodded and replied, "You need Usa-Chan more than I do right now. Just give her back before the end of the day, okay?" I nodded, and gasped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Are you alright, my sweet princess?" another all too familiar voice cooed, his breath tickling my ear. "Damn it, Tamaki!" Kyoya sighed. "It's okay, Kyoya," I giggled. "He's just making sure I'm okay, and I'm fine!" "That's right, Mommy!" Tamaki agreed. "I have to make sure my princess is okay!" "By the way, Tamaki, stop calling me that," I sighed. "How could you?" he grabbed his chest, acting like he'd just been stabbed before sitting in a corner. 

   "Good job, miss!" Hikaru chuckled. "You put Tamaki in his place!" Kaoru finished his brother's sentence. "You don't have to call me miss," I smiled. "My name's (y/n) (l/n)." "Hmm, (y/n)," Tamaki grinned. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." "We were wondering, (y/n)," Haruhi interrupted. "If you wanted to join the host club!" "Um...." I replied. "O-Okay." "Yay!" Honey hugged me, taking Usa-Chan out of my hand. "(y/n)-Chan is part of the host club!"  "Tamaki?" I asked. "Are you still mad?" "Of course not, my princess," he chuckled. "I get to spend more time with you!" I gave him a weird look as he crawled back to his corner. Suddenly, the door burst open again and I felt myself being attacked, I mean, hugged by no one other than my brother. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" (o/b/n) asked. "I was until you showed up!" I tried to wiggle my way out of my brother's death grip. "Just, let me go!" "Oh, sorry!" he chuckled, letting me go. 

End of Chapter Three

Meeting the Hosts


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