Chapter Ten

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Before I start with the next chapter, I just want to take the time to say thank you to all of you reading this. This story has over 1,000 reads! When I was browsing through my works on this site the other day, I noticed that the number of reads for this story alone was over 1,000. I never thought that this little story would get as many reads as it did. For some of you, this might be nothing, but to me, it's a huge deal. I have no words to express how happy I am to be writing this. Thank you all so much! :D

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, on with the story! ;)


Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter Ten

The Host Club and the Countries (Part Two)

(Reader's Point of View)

   All kinds of thoughts raced through my head, mainly my mantra of, "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod...." I wanted to make all sorts of references, but I knew I couldn't do that in front of them. "Haruhi, can you hand me that pillow?" I asked in an unusually calm voice as it cracked several times. She gave me a weird face, nodded, and did as I asked. The next thing I knew, my face was buried into the pillow, and I was making some of the most inhumane, fan-girl screams into it. "Uh, I'm no expert, but I think your friend is broken," Alfred muttered. "You think she's broken?" Haruhi asked sarcastically. I still couldn't believe that she didn't realize why I was so happy. "Um... what the hell is wrong with her, aru?" I couldn't tell, but after Yao asked that question, I just knew he had an eyebrow raised. "Are you alright, love?" Arthur asked as I slowly removed my head from the pillow. "If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up," I replied as they all stared at each other and started laughing. Even Haruhi was giggling at my response. "What?" I asked. "What's so funny?" "You're so adorable, petite fleur~," Francis smirked as my face put his roses to shame. "Nein, stop it!" I complained. "I am awesome and evil. Recognize my power!" "Did someone say 'awesome?'" a voice shouted. "Kesesesesese~"

   "Scheisse (1)," Ludwig grumbled as an albino guy with silver hair and piercing red eyes entered the room with a blond guy with glasses covering his purple eyes and a bear cub in his arms. I smiled, these were two of my favorite characters ever (pretend if they aren't)! I quickly sprang off the bed and ran towards the two. The Prussian smirked and opened his arms, waiting for a hug. I hurried past him and glomped the shy Canadian. He was surprised at first, but grinned and hugged back, letting go of the polar bear cub. "VHAT?!" the narcissistic Prussian whined. "I zought I vas awesome!" "Shut up, bruder," Ludwig frowned as I let go of Matthew. "Y-You notice me?" he asked, hiding his face behind his bear. I nodded in response and giggled. "But, but my milkshake brings all ze boys!" Gilbert pouted. "Yeah, and I'm a chick," I replied. "See the problem, Gil?" The others were taken aback while Gilbert just smirked. "See zat, Vest?" he cheered. "I've never met zis Frau, et she knows mein awesome name!" "No vone cares, bruder," Ludwig sighed in annoyance. "How did you know his name, dudette?" Alfred asked. I bit my tongue and held my breath until I felt two arms snake around my waist. I let out a slight scream and turn around to see Gilbert behind me, still keeping his face in a smirk. "You lot aren't who you say you are," I replied. "What?" they asked together. "I know your secret," I answered. "The one you're hiding from my friends. I know who you guys are. You're the countries!"

   "Oh, no," I heard Kiku mumble to himself. "I knew it was a bad idea to ret Himaruya into a Worrd Meeting...." "Vhat did jou do?!" Ludwig raised an eyebrow in confusion and anger. "Who's Himaruya?" Feli asked. "Um, before you arr try to kirr me," Kiku replied. "Remember that guy that I said represented Tokyo?" The other nine nodded and urged him to keep talking. "Werr, I might have ried about that," he muttered as his face turned bright red. "WHAT?!" the other nine shouted together. "I can't believe I'm saying zis, but jou are a dummkopf for sneaking a human into our conference!" Ludwig sighed. "How could-a you?" Feli whimpered."Gomenasai, everyone," the Japanese man bowed and apologized to the aggravated nations. "Aiyah! What the hell were you thinking, aru?" Yao scolded. After that, the whole room was filled with screaming and arguing. I stared at them with wide eyes, trying not to let my past get the better of me.

   I knew that if I wasn't dreaming, things would somehow turn out like this, but I didn't know how soon it would happen. You see, if I knew a fight was just over something silly, like how good friends do, I would be okay. In fights like this, however, I would get flashbacks of when my parents considered divorce. They would always scream at each other and fight over me, and I would be scared that the fight was directed to me at times. In this fight, I knew I was to blame (or at least, I thought I knew), so I just sat there and watch everyone scream and hurl insults at each other, trying not to let tears slide down my face. I felt my eyes beginning to burn and water as I shut them tight. "I'm sorry," I muttered before running out of the room, not wanting to make a fool out of myself. Why? I wondered. Why me? Why does this always happen to me? I try to make new friends, but I always fuck shit up, and things like this happens! Why me?

   I hurried down the stairs, making sure not to trip on anything, and sped past a very confused set of ginger twins. I made a beeline for the back door and ran towards the garden, hoping that I didn't raise any suspicion. As I entered the garden, I found a small white bench, sat on it, and started sobbing uncontrollably. I covered my hands with my face, only to peek from them and stare at my reflection in a nearby koi pond every so often and hide my face back into my hands. "What's wrong with me?" I asked no one. "Why does this happen every time I try to be friendly towards people? Why can't I just have a few decent friends like the other hosts? Why can't I simply broaden my social horizons? What have I ever done that's wrong? " I kept asking these questions to myself, which only made me sob harder, and felt my head starting to kill me. My sobs died down a bit after a few minutes, until they turned into sniffles and hiccups here and there. I then heard a door open and close gently and started panicking mentally. A few seconds later, I felt something on my shoulder. I jumped at the touch, but calmed down a bit once I quickly got used to it. I tried to take deep breaths. Once I finally succeeded, a guy's voice asked, "Are you okay, chica?"

End of Chapter Ten

The Host Club and the Countries (Part Two)

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