Chapter One

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Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter One

One Weird School

(No one's Point of View)

(One week later)

   After (y/n) bid her friends farewell and boarded the plane to Tokyo, she was forced to sit next to (o/b/n) for the long trip. She was trying to read before the initial takeoff, but (o/b/n)'s music was too loud for her to enjoy her book. She then fell asleep, already bored out of her mind. 

(Time skip because I'm too lazy)

   Finally, (y/n) and her family were in Tokyo. One look of the large house, and she already felt homesick. "Are you two excited for you first day of school tomorrow?" her mother asked cheerfully. "No," (o/b/n) sighed, hurrying off to his room. "Haha, real funny," (y/n) replied sarcastically, doing the same as her brother. As she shut her door, she hopped onto her laptop to play World of Warcraft, a game her brother forced her to try a few years earlier and she has been addicted to ever since. After about an hour, she got bored with World of Warcraft and decided to watch Homestuck videos on YouTube. She knew that many people who love Hetalia hate Homestuck, as well as the other way around, but she didn't care. (b/f/n) introduced her to both, and she enjoyed both. Suddenly, her phone started to ring, England's Demon Summoning Song playing loudly throughout the house and nearly giving everyone heart attacks.

   "(y/n)!" her father shouted. "Answer your goddamn phone before you scare everyone with that creepy-ass ringtone!" She answered her phone and asked, "Hello?" "Hey, (y/n)!" (b/f/n) replied. "How's Tokyo treating you?" "It's okay, so far," (y/n) admitted. "Your ringtone officially scares the shit out of my parents." (b/f/n) burst into a fit of laughter. "That's almost as awesome as the awesome Prussia!" s/he started to calm down a little. "I just called to tell you that you need to tell me all about your new school tomorrow! I didn't know Ouran actually existed!" "Yeah, I do," (y/n) replied, scratching the back of her neck after her friend's last sentence. "I never would've guessed." "Alright, then!" (b/f/n) chirped. "I'll call you tomorrow!" "Okay, bye," (y/n) hung up and tried not to panic. 

(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

(The next day)

   I didn't expect my new school to be huge. I almost thought that I was going to college, until I remembered that Ouran was an elite academy. I got out of the car, and waved good-bye to my father as he drove off. I stared down at my ugly yellow dress and sighed. Well, I thought. It's now or never. I entered the school's main office as the receptionist smiled at me. "You must be (y/n) (l/n)!" she cheered, her long blonde hair getting in her face. "Welcome to Ouran Academy!" "T-Thank you," I stuttered, taking my schedule out of her hands. Damn, I thought as I left to find my first class. Why is she so happy all the time? 

   I was surprised that I found my first class and made it on time in such a huge school. I took a seat next to a brunette girl near the back of the classroom. I'll admit right now that I can be a bit shy, especially around a large group of people that I don't know. After the final bell rang, first hour began, and the teacher walked in. I looked at my schedule to find that this was Geometry class. I sighed, as I put my schedule away in my (f/c) sketchbook. "Good morning, class." the teacher smiled, her short red hair blocking today's date which was clearly written in Japanese characters and in numbers. "My name is Mrs. Waters, and the only reason why I say that is because I see that we have a new student joining us today!" Why is everyone so damn happy at this school? I wondered. Who is the new student, anyway? Oh, duh! It's me! "Could you please stand up and tell us a little about yourself, dear?" she asked. Not wanting to get into any trouble on my first day, I obeyed and stood up shakily.

   "Um... hello," I said, clearing my throat a bit. "M-M-My name's (y-y/n) (l/n). I'm 16 years old, and I-I-I just moved here f-from (h/t)." Not knowing what else to say, I sat back down. "Thank you, Miss (y/n)" Mrs. Waters smiled, as she continued with the lesson.

(Time skip to next hour)

   I had free period second hour, so I decided to explore the school a bit. I tried to find a place to sit in the school library, but there were no available seats left. I sighed, and continued my search for some place peaceful and quiet enough for me to draw something. I kept wandering around the halls until I came across a room called Music Room 3. Who the hell needs more than one music room? I wondered. I shrugged and decided to open the door. I would soon find out that it would be a bad idea. 

End of Chapter One 

One Weird School


Ouran's Newest Student (OHSHC x Reader x ?????)Where stories live. Discover now