Chapter Eight

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Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter Eight

Uninvited Guests (Part Two)


   "(Y/N)!" Hikaru cheered, while his brother asked, "Truth or Dare?" I paused for a moment and thought to myself before answering, "Truth." Tamaki slightly frowned at this until the twins asked a question that shut me down: "What are you hiding from us?"


(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

   "W-What do you mean?" I asked as the other hosts turned to face me. "You've been acting weird lately," Kaoru replied. "So, what don't we know?" Hikaru asked. "If I tell you, then do you promise not to tell anyone else?" I asked, trying to fight back tears. The other hosts nodded slowly as I inhaled slowly. "Okay, then," I sighed. "Here goes nothing. You know how I haven't been myself lately? Well, there's a reason for that. At (f/s/n), I was bullied constantly by other students. I didn't have too many friends, so I'd always turn to my older brother, but he wasn't much help. There was one point where the constant bullying drove me to depression that was so bad, that I'd refuse to speak to anyone. When my parents told me we were moving to Tokyo, I was excited yet afraid that I'd receive the same treatment I did back in America. I could also tell that they were hiding something from me, but I didn't know exactly what it was. I guess all of this has been bothering me lately, but I didn't know how to tell you all. I'm sorry if I scared any of you, I'm fine. I just don't know what's going on with my life, I guess."

   Once I finished my story, none of the other hosts had a word to say. "Um... are you okay?" I asked, waving a hand in front of their faces. "You all look like you just killed a guy." "Huh?" Tamaki replied. "Oh, yes, we're fine. We were just shocked by what you had to go through." "Yeah," Honey nodded in agreement. "That's sad, (n/n)-Chan." "Looks like I'm not alone," Haruhi muttered. "Before I started Ouran, I was bullied too." "S-Sorry we asked..." the twins stuttered. "It's okay," I smiled weakly. "I had to tell you sometime, right? Anyway, I'm going to make some cake. Anyone want some?" "Cake?!" Honey asked excitedly. "Can I help (n/n)-Chan? Please?????" He then flashed me the puppy-dog eyes. "Okay, Honey-Senpai," I giggled as he cheered and hurried to the kitchen (A/N: You're a first-year in this.). I breathed a sigh of relief as I followed the sweet, yet childish third-year in the kitchen. There was no way I was telling the truth to any of the hosts, I didn't want to break their hearts. I smiled as the hosts were finally off my back about my personal life. At least, that's what I thought....

(Tamaki's Point of View)

   I couldn't stop thinking about (y/n). The way I get lost in her (e/c) eyes, the way her (h/c) hair flips in the wind, my heart couldn't take it! I might as well let my other princess, Haruhi, be as bisexual as she wants, because I think I'm falling for (y/n)! "Uh, Senpai?" Haruhi asked, snapping me out of my trance. "Yes, my princess?" I asked, pulling out a rose from my pocket. "Are you alright, Tamaki?" Kyoya asked. "You seem to be daydreaming more often since (y/n) first arrived at Ouran." "What? Yes, Mommy," I replied with a smirk. "I've never felt better!" "I see you're still as embarrassing as ever," a familiar voice laughed. "Ohhonhonhonhon, you 'aven't changed much since you moved away." "Francis?" I asked, confused. "What are you doing here?" 

   "You know this guy, boss?" Hikaru and Kaoru questioned quizzically. "Yes," I sighed. "Francis here is an old friend of mine. We go back since first grade, right Francis?" "Oui, mon ami," he replied before kissing Haruhi's hand. "Great," she frowned. "Just what we need, another Tamaki." "What's that supposed to mean?" I whined. "And how did you know Haruhi was a girl?" I quickly covered my mouth as the other hosts, excluding Haruhi, threw death glares at me. "It was actually pretty easy," the blond Frenchman smirked. "I could tell just by 'er eyes." "Great, now there are two bloody frogs!" another all-too familiar voice complained. I could tell just who he was when he stepped out of his hiding spot, dragging a certain American with him by the ear. It was Arthur Kirkland, my arch-nemesis from ten years ago, and his annoying brother, Alfred Jones. 

   "Well, well," he sneered. "If it isn't Tamaki Suoh." "What's it to you, Iggy-brows?" I spat as he turned to Kyoya in disgust. "Hello, old chap," Igiri-douche grinned. "Do you remember me, mate?" "Hello, Arthur," Kyoya replied. "Yes, but is anyone else here?" "Yep!" Alfred replied for caterpillars-for-brows. "How are you all getting in?" Kaoru asked curiously. "Easy, dude!" Alfred grinned. "The back door was unlocked! C'mon in, guys!" "Alfred, you bloody git!" Eyebrows pouted. "Mori-San?" Honey asked, running out of the kitchen with frosting all over his face. "What's going on? I'm hearing weird voices!" "Ve~ I am too!" a cheerful Italian accent shouted as a less-cheerful German one hissed, "Feliciano, jou dummkopf! Ve hardly know anyvone here!" "But, I-a know Mitsukuni, Doitsu!" the brunet Italian smiled. "Feliciano-Senpai?" Honey asked, his eyes widening in surprise. "Ciao!" Feliciano chirped, pulling Honey into a hug. "It's-a been so long since we-a last saw each other!" "What the hell is-a going on, fratello?" a second Italian asked angrily. "Remember-a Honey, fratello?" Feliciano cheered. "Si, unfortunately," the other Italian, Lovino, sighed. "Hey, guys. I just put the final touches on the-" (y/n) had stepped out of the kitchen, only to be cut off when she saw us with our old friends.

   "Uh... s-senpai?" she asked. "W-W-Who are th-these p-p-p-people?" Without warning, the (h/c) girl passed out. "(Y/N)!!!!" the twins shouted, hoping to wake her up. That, unfortunately, didn't happen for a few hours.

End of Chapter Eight

Uninvited Guests (Part Two)


Hey, guys! Just wanted to apologize in advance for the possible lack of updates. I start high school on Monday, and I know that the homework load will be larger than what I have been getting. Thank you for your patience! (BTW, if you are in high school, or have been, and have advice you might want to give me, I'll take it! ;) ) Keep calm, and be a host! 

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