Chapter Six

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Ouran's Newest Student

Chapter Six

Initiation (Part Two)


(Reader-Chan's Point of View)

   "(y/n), could you step outside for a moment?" Tamaki asked as he removed his hat. I nodded as I tried to stand up, ignoring my recent injury. I removed the high heels and winced a little at my pain. I held onto the wall for support until I made it to the door, and quickly made my way out of the room. I leaned against the door, making sure not to open it, and started to eavesdrop on the hosts' conversation. 

   "Alright, men, and lady," Tamaki began. "Everyone pick a cloth and put it into my hat. Once (y/n) comes back in, she will pick one of our cloths and we'll be staying at the house of the owner of the cloth she chooses." "How come I never had an initiation?" Haruhi asked, her hands resting on her hips. "You joined on accident," Kyoya replied sternly. What does he mean by "on accident?" I wondered. It's not like she joined just to pay a debt or something, right? I shrugged the thought away immediately and continued to listen to their conversation.

    Bored of eavesdropping, I sat on the ground and decided to listen to some music. Most of it was just a load of bullshit, so I just skipped most of the songs until I accidentally skipped past 'Pub and Go!', one of my favorite tunes. I went back to it and closed my eyes, smiling and humming the first line. I didn't even realize that I'd fallen asleep until Haruhi tapped my shoulder. "You can come back in, now," she smiled weakly. I pulled out one of my earbuds and replied, "Oh, okay." 

   Once we were back in the music room, the other hosts were sitting around a small table that looked like a piece of furniture they'd gotten from Ikea. "W-What's going on?" I asked as I rubbed my temples. "Your initiation, (n/n)-Chan!" Honey cheered, trying to refrain himself from giving me one of his death hugs. I had completely forgotten about screwing up my ankle, which still hurt, but I was able to walk on it without much trouble, and that was the reason we were doing this. Tamaki then proceeded to shove a hat in my face as I sighed and stuck my hand in it.

   Surprisingly, everything inside of the hat was really soft, and had the same texture. I almost thought that everyone had put in the same item, but I shrugged and immediately pulled out the softest cloth. I held the red cloth, still trying to get over the fact that it was so soft that I could die, but my happiness came to an abrupt end when I realize whose house I was staying at for the night. "Tamaki," I muttered under my breath, my teeth clenched. "Who did you get, (y/n)?" Hikaru asked. "Not us, sadly," Kaoru replied. "Please, don't tell me that's Tamaki's?" Haruhi asked. As he heard his name being called, Tamaki sat up and smirked at me. You've got to be kidding me, I sighed as he cheered, "Let's go!" Little did we know that someone was watching us....

(???????'s Point of View)

   "I'm hungry, dude!" I pouted as my friends and I were watching a group of guys with a really pretty chick. The guys were all sitting around a small table with a hat resting on it, while the girl looked like she was about to punch the blond in the face. "I didn't know zat Tamaki went 'ere!" my blond French friend, Francis, exclaimed. "Be quiet, you bloody frog!" Iggy snapped, his bushy caterpillars, I mean, eyebrows, twitching. "As for you, Alfred, you're going to have to wait until we get home.""Aw, that sucks, dude!" I sighed. "Would you like a Chinese tasty treat, aru?" Yao asked. I nodded and happily munched on it. "Danke, Yao," Ludwig sighed. "Zat vill shut ze dummkopf up, at least for a little vhile." "The pretty sunflower will become one with Mother Russia, da?" Ivan smiled as an evil aura surrounded him. "Um, I don't sink that it's a rearry good idea, Ivan," the normally quiet Kiku replied. 

   "Francis, you-a said that you-a know one of-a them?" Feliciano asked curiously. "Oui," Francis nodded. "Tamaki and I used to be very good friends. Now, 'e doesn't talk to me much anymore." "Will all you bloody wankers please shut up?!" Iggy hissed. "The last thing we want is for anyone to spot us!" "Iggy's right!" I tried my best to whisper. "Don't call me that, you git!" Arthur frowned. "You all are-a idiotas!" Lovino growled. "Why are we even here?" a voice asked. "GHOST!" I shouted. "Shut up, Alfred!" the others hissed.  "You've got to be kidding me," I turned around to see my brother, Matthew, who was still clutching his polar bear cub. "Don't do that, bro-ha!" I sighed. "Who are you?" the cub asked. "I'm Matthew!" he replied. 

   "To answer jour unawesome question, ve're here for ze pretty (h/c)-haired girl," Gilbert boasted quietly. "Are you always like this, amigo?" Antonio frowned. "Am I alvays zis awesome?" Gil replied. "Ja! Ich bin das ehrfurchtige Preussen, schliesslich! (1)" Our arguing was interrupted when the girl in question screamed at one of the guys. "Tamaki, you idiot!" she shouted, her (e/c) eyes filled with rage. She then proceeded to chase the blond, who I assumed was Tamaki, around the room until he went into a corner and started to grow mushrooms. Suddenly, she faced the window we were watching the group from. "Retreat!" Arthur whispered/shouted. With that, we all ran towards our getaway car, with our friends Matthias, Lukas, Berwald, Tino, and Emil inside. 

End of Chapter Six

Initiation (Part Two)


Welp. Looks like we all know what the other anime is.... I never thought I would be introducing them until later. Oh, well. I tried. 


1. Ja! Ich bin das ehrfurchtige Preussen, schliesslich! = Yes! I am the awesome Prussia, after all!

Yes, I know there should be accent marks in the German version. No, I'm too lazy to put them in. Sorry if it's not accurate (I got this from Google Translate). 

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