Chapter 1 Discovery

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Castiel and Dean were laying together in bed, their bodies intertwined and close fitted them like a puzzle. Castiel rested his head on Dean's chest smiled relaxing. Dean was petting Castiel's raven hair, it was always soft and perfect just the way he likes it. After a few moments Castiel leans up and kisses Dean's lips softly.
"I love you, Dean." He said loving the way Dean tasted.
"I love you too, Cas." Dean replied kissing him back. After pulling a part Dean kisses down Castiel's neck and feels a slight bump at the base of it. He knew it wasn't his Adam's apple because it didn't feel that way. Concerned, Dean looks up.
"Um...Cas? You realize you have something weird on your neck right?" He asked
"Yes I do. I think it's unnecessary to be worried about Dean. It's not affecting me in any way and I'm doing things fine."
"Still, can you get it checked out? I's just getting me worried."
Castiel nodded in understanding. "Of course Dean, I don't want to cause you any discomfort and if getting it looked at makes you pleased then I'll do it."
Dean smiled and kissed Castiel's cheek. "Thanks Cas, wanna get it looked at tomorrow? We aren't doing anything and it would get it out of the way."
"Sure, I can work with that." Not long later, Castiel closed his bright blue eyes and fell asleep, resting against Dean. Dean stayed up though, sorting out a thousand different thoughts through his mind about his angel. He hopes that tomorrow will give them answers. Shutting the light off, Dean falls asleep holding Castiel protectively in his arms.

I'll be your wingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant