Chapter 5 Almost Time

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After meeting with the doctor about the biopsy, Castiel decided to schedule the surgery to remove the tumor entirely. Dean was unsure with his boyfriend's decision but Cas was right, he had to get it done. As they spent their last twenty-four hours together Castiel was nervous and Dean was comforting him.
"You'll be fine Cas, I'll be there when you wake up and like the doctor said it's a simple thing and you'll be back here within a day or two."
"What if there's complications?"
"Cas, I promise you there won't. They know where it's located and they'll remove the whole thing. If you need radiation it won't be that bad, it'll only be for a few weeks and you'll be fine. You know sam, me, and your angel buddies are here for you." Castiel gave his boyfriend a faint smile.
"I'm just...I have a weird feeling about the whole thing."
"I know me too." Dean held his angel close and ran his fingers through Castiel's raven hair.
"I have to tell you one thing though, when I wake up I want a burger." Said the angel looking up at Dean. The hunter chuckled.
"I know you do Cas but you can't eat or drink anything because for the surgery and if you do eat the anesthesia won't work and yeah, I don't want you to feel or see any of it." Castiel nodded. He knew Dean was right and the doctor strictly told him no eating and drinking.
"I'm gonna do something about it though."
"What's that?"
"I'm not gonna eat either." Castiel looked at Dean with wide eyes.
"Dean, don't do that. You need food and knowing you without pie or a burger you just don't function like you."
"Don't worry about it. I know myself and I'm under control."
"I would feel better if you ate something."
"I feel bad if I do eat." The angel shook his head.
"Don't, eat when you need to. I wouldn't mind."
"Whatever angel." Dean nuzzles his head into Castiel's hair. Castiel smiles and relaxes into him.
"I'm tired." He said as Dean was relaxed against him.
"You can go to sleep. If you want I'll leave you." Castiel shook his head no.
"I want you to stay. Will you sleep with me?" He asks with big, blue puppy eyes that made Dean smile.
"Of course I will." Dean laid down and pulled his angel with him. He pulls the blanket over them and wraps his arms around his boyfriend and breaths in his scent.
"Better?" He asks with a smile.
"Yeah." Castiel mumbled half asleep. Dean kissed Castiel's hair.
"Sleep, you need it. I'll be here." Castiel nods and closes his eyes. Dean watches as his angel falls asleep. He was waiting for the time to come. He was ready for this nightmare to end.

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