Chapter 4 Back to the Bunker

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After leaving the hospital Castiel was drained and exhausted and his neck was bruised from the biopsy. Going to bed, he fell asleep as his head hit the pillow. Dean took off Castiel's shoes and pulled the blanket over him. He gave him a gentle kiss into his hair and left the room. Dean turned his laptop on and researched everything about Castiel's cancer. He mostly read the same thing that the doctor told them and closed it. Sam walked in not long later and saw Dean.
"Hey, how did everything go?" He asked sitting next to his brother. Dean looked at Sam with sad eyes.
"He had to do a biopsy to his thyroid and he's scheduled for surgery soon." Sam looked at Dean for a moment. He felt sorry for his brother and sorry for his friend. If there was another way to deal with this he would help them in a heartbeat. He sat back and looked at Dean pushing his hair back.
"Is he here now?" Dean nodded his head.
"Yeah, he's sleeping."Sam bit his lip in thought, he should help but he didn't know how,
"What can I do? I mean I'm here to help." Sam said and spread his arms out. Dean smiled faintly,
"Just don't make a big deal out of it, okay? I don't think he'd like that." Dean said honestly, not exactly sure on what Sam could do to help.Sam took his silence as an answer and simply nodded, looking at Dean's lap top screen,
"Whatcha reading?" He asked, scanning the page. Dean shrugged,
"Research on cas's cancer. See what I can do to make it easier in him."Dean sat back and rubbed his face looking at his brother.
"So far it's just keep him comfortable and not do anything physical and he Should try and not get sick because his system is fried." He said in defeat.
"Why couldn't I notice it sooner?" Listening to Dean's statement, Sam got up and patted his brother's back.
"None of us knew, but since you caught it early and he can get treated we can only hope for the best." Dean nods.
"I hope so Sammy." Dean just feels tired and he wants to be with Castiel. He gets up and tells Sam he's going to bed. He gets to his and Castiel's room and strips down to his boxers. He climbs into bed and wraps his arms around his angel. With the movement around him Castiel woke up.
"Dean?" He sleepily asked, Dean looked down at him.
"Hey cas, I'm sorry I woke you up. Just go back to sleep okay?" He kissed Castiel's hair.
"Okay, I love you." The angel yawned, snuggling into Dean. Dean smiled and rubbed Castiel's back.
"I love you too." Dean watched Castiel fall back to sleep before shutting his eyes and falling asleep as well.

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