Chapter 6 Surgery

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xxSam_Winchesterxx for helping me out with this chapter.

Waking up Castiel felt irritable and he wanted anything to eat and drink. Dean helped him get ready and sat in the backseat with him as Sam drove the impala. It was a comfortable silence as Castiel laid down and rested his head on Dean's lap. Dean was petting his angel's hair and looking forward at Sam. Sam glanced back through the rear view mirror and faintly smiled back at them. Pulling into a parking spot closet to the hospital Sam turns the impala off and faces the both of them.
"Um, do you wanna go without me or should I go with you?" He asks. Dean thought for a moment and nodded.
"Yeah, you should come Sammy." He replied gently waking Castiel up.
"Come on Cas we're here." Castiel woke up and rubbed his eyes.
"I wanna leave." He groans, Dean rubs the angel's back.
"I know me too. Let's get this over with okay. You'll be fine and Sammy and I will take care of you." Castiel nodded and sat up.
"Let's do this." He said as he stepped out of the impala. Dean smiled on how brave he is and takes Castiel's hand. After getting Castiel checked in and ready, he was laying in bed with a light blue hospital gown and a nurse was there too hooking Castiel up to stuff and explaining what's gonna happen.Dean sat and listened, Sam typing away at his phone. The eldest hunters knee bounced as the nurse explained exactly how the procedure would go. Castiel nodded along, his nerves on edge, he was ready to leave.
"And that's about it. Any questions?" Dean and Castiel shook there heads 'No' looking more nervous by the second.
"Alright, call down of y'all need anything." She said and left the room.
Castiel looked to dean.
"I am not ready."Dean pulled his chair closer and held his angel's hand.
"I know me too, but like she said its a simple procedure and there's no risks really." He took a breath and looked at him.
"I'll be here the whole time okay. I will be here when you wake up too. You know I still love you no matter what okay and my opinion about you will never change."Castiel was sort of convinced, Dean's eyes showed truth, but his own head was telling him other wise.
"Ok." He said nervously and took a shaky breath. Dean held Castiel's hand, rubbing soothing circles onto his palm, whispering sweet nothings like.
"Don't worry. You'll always be beautiful to me. Everything will be ok."Another nurse came in later and got Castiel set up on an IV. He squirmed slightly as she set it up and was miserable.
"We're almost ready for you and soon we'll use the anesthesia and you'll fall asleep soon after its given to you. As you feel it, don't fight it. It's supposed to keep you asleep the whole time and we don't want any complications with it." She explained, Castiel nodded.
"Okay, I won't fight it." She smiled at him and left. Half an hour later they put the angel to sleep and wheel him down the corridors to the surgery room.Dean had kissed him before he left, tears in both of their eyes.
"Dean he'll be ok." Sam said patting his back.Dean nodded not saying anything as Sam patted his back.
"Come on, he'll be in there for a while. Let's just walk around for a bit and get fresh air and when he comes back we'll be here for him." Sam suggested.Dean followed with no smart remarks.After getting food and walked around for a few they went back to Castiel's room and waited for him.Dean was emotionless, numb even as he waited for his lover.Minutes later a nurse walked in.
"Oh you two are still here." She smiled.
"Well, they just finished and the surgery went great. There we're no complications and most of the cancer was removed. We couldn't remove all of it because it was too close to his vocal cords and we didn't want to risk ruining it and with four weeks of radiation he should be fine and he should make a full recovery."Dean breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you." He said and looked to Sam with a happy look on his face.Sam smiled back at Dean and patted his brothers back. Not long later, the sleeping angel was wheeled back and he was still sleeping. He was hooked up to a monitor, painkillers running through him, an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, and a thick bandage wrapped around his neck. One of the nurses gave Dean a cup of ice and told him to give it to Castiel when he wakes up and call if they need anything.Dean sat there, cup of ice in his hands as he watched Castiel sleep. He was scared to death the angel would wake and wouldn't be able to speak.An hour later Castiel started to show signs of waking up by the few movements and mumbles he would give off. Dean was the first to know and got close to his angel as he was waking up. Soon enough, Castiel did wake up. He felt strange and his throat felt sore and uncomfortable. He looked over at Dean and smiled.
"Hi." He manages to say. It hurt to speak and his voice sounded dry and rough.Dean smiles, relieved his angel could speak.
"Hi. Want something to drink?" He said offering the cup of ice to Castiel.
The angel nodded as the hunter helped Castiel drink from the cup. At first the angel took timid sips, due to his throat hurting. Soon, he pushed it away.
"Enough." He managed to say and Dean moved the cup away from his lips.
"You ok?" Dean asked, taking Castiel's hand in his own.Castiel shrugged and held Dean's hand.
"Weird." He coughed
" throat feels uncomfortable.
"They removed most of the cancer, they couldn't remove it all in fear they would damage your vocal cords." Dean said squeezed Castiel's hand. Castiel nodded, squeezing Dean's hand in return.
"Miss anything?" He coughed.
"Sam bitched and I made a joke or two." Dean said teasingly.Castiel smiled and chuckled.
"I guess I have to do radiation then." He stated.
"Well, I'm okay with that." He gave Dean a look knowing he was brave and could handle it.Dean smiled.
"We will get through this." He said and kissed Castiel's hand.
"One day at a time."Castiel nodded.
"Will you lay down with me?" He coughed a little.
"Of course." He said. Castiel made room for him, patting the spot next to him. Dean crawled into bed with him, wrapping his arms around his waist.Castiel snuggles into Dean and sighs.
"I already know I'm gonna look like a saw extra." He joked looking up at him.Dean smirked.
"A very sexy saw extra." He said and kissed his cheek.Castiel frowned and had a sad expression on his face.
"I cannot feel you Dean." He was sad that he couldn't feel the gentle kiss of his boyfriend.Dean frowned.
"Are you serious?"
"I couldn't feel it." He rested his head on Dean's shoulder. While all of this was happening, Sam was sleeping in the nearby chair.Dean ran his hands through Castiel's hair.
"It's ok, we will figure this out."Castiel nodded and relaxed against Dean.
"I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for." The angel nodded and felt his eyes close. He didn't want to go back to sleep and he used the rest of his strength to force them back open.Dean kissed his forehead.
"Go to sleep."Castiel nodded, he knew he wasn't gonna last staying up.
"Love you." he mumbled, falling asleep.
"Love you too." He said back and held Castiel close.

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