Chapter 2 Searching for Answers

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Getting to the doctors office wasn't scaring Castiel at all. He just wanted Dean to know he was okay and it'll go away in a few days. When they got there Castiel signed himself in and sat next to Dean in the waiting room.
"You don't have to be here." Said Castiel looking into Dean's green eyes.
"Cas, I told you. I wanna be with you in case I'm needed and I actually wanna know what's going on." He replied looking back at his angel. A nurse called them in not long later. She gave Castiel a quick look at and said the doctor will be in shortly. While they were waiting, Castiel is sitting on the examination table swinging his legs back and fourth. "What's taking so long?" He asked
Dean looked at him. "Wait a few, he'll be here soon." Minutes later, the doctor comes in. He was not too old, late 40's and gray hair but he was always good at his job. "Hi there, I'm doctor Smith." He shook both Dean's and Castiel's hands. "what's seems the problem?" He asked looking at Castiel.
"I've recently discovered this protrusion on my neck and I was concerned if it was harmful or not." The doctor nodded taking a few notes on his clip board.
"Alright kid, I'm just gonna feel your neck for a minute and tell me if anything feels uncomfortable." Castiel nodded. "Tilt your head back." He said and Castiel did. When the doctor finished feeling around he knew something was off and looks at Castiel straight in the eye.
"Is there any thyroid problems in your family?" He asked, Castiel shrugged. "I actually have no idea. I don't have much contact with them and I wouldn't have known if they did or not." He said honestly. The doctor turns to his board and writes something down.
"On the second floor there's the ultrasound section and I want you to get that looked at." He said handing Castiel a slip to that. Dean looks confused and stands up.
"So, you have no idea what's wrong?" The hunter asked. The doctor looked at the both of them.
"I don't want to alarm you but it's coming from his thyroid and it can be a number of things. Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cancer, or simply a swollen gland. But all of them are treatable and I just need a better look at it to see what it is." He explained. Castiel understood everything and grabbed his coat.
"Thank you doctor." He said taking Dean out with him. Dean was a loss for words. He can't imagine his angel with any of that. When they got there Dean sat quietly as Castiel signed in. The angel looked at him as he sat next to him.
"Are you alright?" He asks
"I'm fine." Castiel took Dean's hand. "Please don't be worried, he did say they're all treatable." Dean looked at Castiel.
"I just don't want you going through this. I want you to be home with me. Not here." Castiel held Dean's hand.
"I'm gonna be fine." Like as before, the nurse called them in. Castiel changed into the gown and laid on the table. He disliked the position he was in, head tilted back and neck and chest exposed. He looked over at Dean and reached out to him. Dean pulled his chair over and held his angel's hand. The nurse smiled, she knew they are a couple and they cared for each other.
"Hey, what I'm gonna do is put the gel on you and wave my wand over it and it's not painful at all. The only thing is it's slightly cold." Castiel nodded looking up at her. She got the procedure started and Castiel squirmed slightly at the uncomfortableness.
"Hey, try to stay still okay." She said. Castiel had a sad look in his eyes and stayed still. Dean was rubbing soothing circles into his angel's palm. When the young nurse finished she handed Castiel a towel and told him they'll call when the test comes back. After getting cleaned up, Castiel and Dean left together and went back to the bunker. Castiel was emotionally okay about the situation while Dean was filled with worry and concern. He couldn't lose his angel. Later at the bunker, Castiel gets a call and it's from the doctor. Putting the phone on speaker and getting Dean they weren't ready for what the doctor was gonna say next. It went along the lines of we're sorry...Castiel has cancer...looks like stage two thyroid...caught in time...need treatment immediately. Hanging up the phone, Dean wraps his arms around his angel and held him tight. There was no way he was fighting this alone.

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