What do we do?

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"Will she let us keep her?" I ask Jake after Jane leaves. "She said that she can't help anymore. Lizzy is leaving in three weeks." He sits down, head in his hands. "where is everyone?" He asks looking back up at me. "They took Liz to the park they'll be back later. How much longer until the process is complete?" I ask him. "It could be done in 3 weeks. But because of the age of me, the fact that I don't have a wife or even a girlfriend has slowed the process down. Plus that she'd be in a house of mostly all boys and only two girls." "But Liz loves it here. This is her home. Who's going to tell her?" I ask. Jake put his head back in his hands. "I guess I will. I'm the one trying to adopt her." I sighed and stood up. "I need to go to the store we're out of milk. Do you need anything?" "No, no I'm fine." He says. I grab my keys and leave. She can't be taken away from us.

Jake's P.o.v.
The door shut behind Blaze. "ARGHH" I let out a frustrated scream, accidentally throwing a plate across the room. It shattered hitting the wall and crashing to the floor in pieces. "damn it.." I grab the broom and start sweeping the chunks of glass into a pile. I start picking up the bigger pieces. I hiss as a sharp glass piece cut my finger. "ah shit!" I drop the piece and throw away the glass I was still holding. I examine the cut on my finger and turn on the faucet. The door opens and Skylar comes in in front of Ryan with Elizabeth on his shoulders. "Hey! Be careful. I uh... dropped a plate." "Jakey you're bleeding." Liz says pointing to my hand. I put my hand under the water washing off the blood and sigh. "I'm okay Liz. It's just a baby cut its not what it looks like. Its not deep." "I'll help you. Ryan can you start a bath for Liz? I'll be up in a minute." "yeah sure" He lifts her off his shoulders and puts her down. She runs up the stairs and Ryan follows behind her. "where are the others?" I ask as Skylar sweeps up the rest of the glass, throwing it away. "oh. They went to the mall. Nick wanted a new skateboard, his snapped." She says. I turn of the water. "Let me see it." she says taking my hand. "it's not to bad." she open a cupboard pulling out a first a kit and unwraps a band-aid. She puts it over the cut and kisses it lightly. She looks up at me and smiles. "There! It's all better now." "Thanks..." I say, smiling a bit. "Sky-Sky!! My bath is ready come help me!!" Liz calls down the stairs "Coming!" Skylar answers. She lets go of my hand and goes up the stairs. I watch her go and sigh again. We may be misfits. But we are a family.

Skylar's P.O.V.
I go into the bathroom where Liz was waiting, helped her undress and get into the bathtub. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my social media while Liz played with her bath ducks and toys. "Sky-Sky?" Liz spoke up after several minutes. I look up at her. "Why does Jake seem stressed?" I put my phone down and kneel beside the tub. "Well... you know he's trying to adopt you so you can stay here... it's not an easy thing to do and it takes a lot of time. Jake has to act like a guardian and pay to take care of all of us but he's not very old. He just a lot of things on his plate." I say. she looks down at one of her ducks and squeezes it. "I heard the lady that was here before say I have to leave. Do I have to leave?" "No. No. You don't ever need to leave. Are you ready to wash your hair now?" She nods and hand me the soap.
~~~~small time skip~~~~~
"Jake?" I whisper knocking on his bedroom door. "Skylar?" He asks. "yeah" "come in" I open the door closing it behind me. "where's Liz?" He asks. "In bed. What did Jane say?" I ask. He sighs and I sit next to him on his bed. "She said Elizabeth has to the leave in three weeks. they want to take her to some orphanage hundreds of miles a way. She said she can't do anything about it until she's legally is in my custody." "oh... can the adoption be done by then?" "I doubt it. It could be another 6 months until it's done." I lean my head onto Jake's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. "I'm sorry I can't help." "yeah... me too. ... is everyone home now?" "yeah everyone's in bed." "okay good. you should get to bed too. it's been a long day." he says kissing my forehead softly. I nod a stand up, going to the door. I open it. "goodnight Jake." I say pausing at the door. "goodnight Sky." I smile at him a bit and close the door before finally going off to bed.

A.N.// sorry about not uploading when I said I would. 😣 I don't really have an excuse so sorry. I'll try to upload more again I promise!
Follow me on Instagram: SkylarSeven7

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