Emo Love Story

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Chapter 1

"MOM!" I yell as she gets hit by a car right in front of me.
A man runs out of the car.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't see her! Are you okay?" He asks
I nod, "Is...is she okay" I say crying.
The man runs to her touches her neck for a moment and turns to me .
"Sweetie, did you call 911?" I nod again. "How...how old are you?" I tell him I'm 13. "Sweetie, what's your name?
"Skylar" I say almost whispering.
"Skylar, I'm sorry. I...she's gone."
NO! NO! NO! She is not dead! She is not dead!" I scream as tears run down my face. I see my friend Blaze. He runs up and hugs me. He asks what happened.
"She's, she's, she's,"
"Skylar, it's okay I, I got it." Blaze says.

*end of flashback*

I'm now 17. I have no friends. I changed after my mom died. My dad had died from cancer 2 years before my mother. After my mom died I started cutting. Died my hair from blonde to black. Started listening to bands like BVB and Blood On The Dance Floor. Blaze stayed with me, helped me. Until his father beat him so badly that he passed away. That night I tried to kill myself and Carrie, my aunt, found me. I lived. I continued to hurt myself. Now I'm in a new city called Greenview. Tomorrow is my first day at the new school.
'It can't be worse than my old school' I think to myself as I pull my blade through my wrist one last time before cleaning up and going to bed.

Chapter 2

I wake up to 'In The End' a BVB song playing. I leave for school. I'm wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt and necklace, bright green ripped skinny jeans, and black converse.
I get to school and get out of my black Jeep. I grab my books and walk into the school. I find my first class and go in, seeing a boy with black hair, black skinny jeans, and a black v-neck on.
"Can I sit here?" I ask him. he looks at me stunned, and then nods. I sit down.
" My name is Skylar." I say quietly.
"I'm Blaze." he says. I felt like I was going to pass out as I started crying thinking back to my friend Blaze.
"Are you okay?" he asks shocked and worried. I nod.
" Sorry, I just... I used to have a friend Blaze that died."
" I understand. It's okay." he hugs me and smiles. "Are you new here?"
"Yeah" I say.
"Cool. Talk to anybody else yet?" He asks.
"Well than you should sit by my friends and I at lunch?" I asks.
I nod and hug him. He seems startled. "I didn't have anyone at my old school." I said as the final bell rings. he nods and the class starts. Someone behind me taps my shoulder and hands me a note. "Emo!!!!" it reads. I get up and run out of class. before long I hear Blaze.
"Skylar?" he sees me. "What happened?" I hand him the note. he looks at it and rips it up. "don't let them get to you." He says and helps me up.
"Why are helping me?" I ask.
"Because... I know what it's like."
The bell rings signalling lunch.
"Come on." he says to me. I grabs my hand and takes off down the hall. I laugh as we run. Suddenly he stops and I run into someone.
"Hey! watch it! emo!" he says and walks away. Blaze looks at me. Shrugs and we start running again.
"Why are we running?" I ask.
"I don't know." he smiles and I laugh.
We walk out to the back of the school.
"Oooooohh! Blaze got a girlfriend!" someone yells.
"Shutup Drake!" He says as he shoves another boy our age with blue hair.
"I'm Skylar I'm new here" I say smiling.
"I'm Drake" he says. "that's Ryan, and that's Nick."
He says pointing to two other guys. Ryan has black hair and bright blue eyes with snakebites. Nick has black hair with green tips.
"I've always wanted snakebites!" I say to Ryan.
" I can take you to get some after school if you want." he says.
"Maybe later." I say smiling.
The rest of the day I hung out with the guys and then went to their place after school (yeah they live together cause their families suck).
"Here we are" Drake says as we go into their house.
"We are home Jake!" Nick yells. "Jake is my older brother. He lives with us." he explains.

A.N. I hope you like it so far! don't forget to vote and comment! I will hopefully update soon!

Chapter 3

Emo Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant