Ch.2// Arrival

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OK so I tend to have writers a lot. So it would really help if you would give some ideas on how you want the story to develop. Also follow me if you want it would be easier for you to know when i am planning to update the story. 


Camilla's P.O.V.

After making my decision of going to Italy, I contacted my agent, Megan, to tell her about my plans. Megan is the best agent I could ask for. If I need extra time to make sure that my book is finished she would find a way to give it to me.

After talking to her about going to Italy, and her unsuccessfully trying to convince me, I packed all my stuff and boxed all my belongings to be shipped to a new apartment in Italy, as soon as I bought it.

As I looked around my apartment I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia hit me. I was going to miss this place. Of course I would!! This had been my home for over 4 years.

Putting my sadness aside, I checked that I had everything ready. I was leaving today in a couple of hours.

I would miss this place but, I had to leave. There wasn't anything going on for me here. People were avoiding me like the plague since I broke up with Michael. It feels kind of good and kind of bad to know that I really didn't have any REAL friends.

Snapping out of my depressing thoughts, I hauled my 3 suitcases out of the apartment. With one last look I closed the door and made my way to the elevator.

Once I hauled my suitcases inside I pushed the button for the ground floor, where the owners can park their cars.

I owned  an Audi. I will admit I'm gonna miss my baby. We have gone through so many things. I once got stuck in a storm and had to stay in my car for almost 12 hrs. Thankfully the storm didn't last any longer.

After stepping out of the elevator I haul my suitcases to my car, which thankfully was just a few cars down.

The ride to the airport was about 30 minutes long. After arriving there I made my way to park my car in one of the storage units that were available to people who needed them for when they needed to leave their cars at the airport.

Once inside the terminal, I waited patiently, well, as patiently as a person who is afraid of flying in an airplane can.

Yes, you heard it right, ladies and gentlemen. I, a traveling aficionado, am afraid of flying.

Once my flight number was called I made my way to the gate and boarded the plane.

After a couple of minutes the plane started to move.

Oh god, please make this flight go okay.

Throughout most of the flight I fidget in my seat making it impossible for the person next to me to go to sleep.

After hours of suffering the plane finally landed.

Finally!! Can't believe I am finally here. Now to start a new life.

After leaving the airport I made my way to where the taxis were. After telling the guy to take me to the hotel I'll be staying at for the mean time, I relaxed on my seat and looked out the window admiring the scenery of Italy.

I've always wanted to come here. When I was little me and my dad made plans to visit here. We planed everything. From where we would be staying to what places we would visit and what restaurants to eat at. Everything was fine and we were planning on going the summer of my 13th birthday. But sadly one day after our monthly fishing trip on our way back home we decided to stop at a gas station since I really had to pee. While we were there someone decided to rob the gas station.

Since my dad used to be in the military he decided to help and sadly got caught in the cross fire. I saw my father die in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. I saw as he bled to death. The robber left as soon as my dad got shot and since then my family consisting of my mother, my older sister, and me hasn't been the same. Especially for me since I was closer to my dad. It's still hard, but we've learned to deal with it and now it's not as painful.

The cab came to a stop at the most famous hotel in Italy. I admired the outside of the hotel and suddenly I was overcome with a sense of excitement.

Finally. A new beginning, and this time I am prepared for anything.

Smiling, I made my way inside. Starting the beginning of my new life.

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