Ch 16//

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12 days later

"I am dying. There is no other way to describe it. My body is in flames."

"Its only a fever Ms. Summers," the housekeeper, Matilda, says as she checks the temperature on the thermometer.

"You're only saying that because you're not the one who has it."

She gives me a small smile.

"I have made you some tea and soup, as well as laid some medicine for you. There is not much else to do but keep you hydrated until the fever dies down or take you to the doctor if it gets worse."

I sigh. Getting sick is horrible. Especially since I am more susceptible to pain.

I sit up so that I can reach the medicine she left on the nightstand, pop some pills into my mouth, and wait for it to make some type of effect. 

"When is he getting back?" I ask her

She looks up from folding some clothes, "Mr. Ferrer will be returning this week." That's all she says as she turns and leaves the room.

I sigh. I seem to be doing that a lot these days. 

I lay back down on the bed and close my eyes.


She feels her body burning. Sweat all over her body and on the sheets. 

"Im dying," she seems to murmur. Her lips dry. Words seem to fall into the silence where nobody hears them.

Somebody opens the door, but she is too far gone to see or hear.

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