CH. 11// I'm Sorry

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Sorry for taking forever to update, but I fell in love....

With several guys

Who here likes K-Pop??

Its my new addiction and my bias list grew so big that I-I just can't.

My favorite groups that I am OBSESSED with right now are BTS and EXO.

Sehun and V are WOW!!!

ALSO I am thinking of just updating small chapters every other day, especially since I am taking summer classes and I will be very busy. I will update you guys on that.



Camilla's POV

I might have gone slightly overboard with all that, but he had it coming. I've never been one to simply let people get their way when I know that what they are doing is wrong. Kidnapping me is one of those things.

Did you HAVE to do that though?

Uggh!! I really hate it when my conscience guilt trips me.

Come on Cam. He has not treated you badly since he brought you here. And maybe you should be a big girl and go ask him why exactly you are here.

Sometimes I really hate my conscience.

I stand up from the window seat I was perched in in the library I had enclosed myself in.

Maybe what I did was a little bit, JUST a LITTLE bit, over the top.

But, it was hilarious.

I open the door and go in search of Enzo. He stormed off after that little episode. Who knows where he is right now.

The obvious place to go looking for him would be his office... but I don't know where it is. That means that I have to go search for someone who knows where his office is or where HE is.

By now most of the people living here might now what happened. Who knows what they will think of me now. What is they are very loyal to their boss and will see that episode as disrespect towards him.


That could harm my chances of getting one of them to help me get out of here.

Not that those chances were great, but still.

I sigh. This situation just seems to be getting worse and worse.

I come upon three hallways. Each looks the same. I think I might be lost. This is certainly not the way I remembered coming.

I close my eyes. Patience. I. Need. To. Be. Patient.

"What are you doing?" says a familiar voice.

I open my eyes.

Bruno. Enzo's brother.

Enzo's POV

Camilla Summers. One of the most exasperating women I have ever met. Yet, she still manages to captivate me. That little episode was, in simple words, humiliating, but very fascinating to watch.

"That was something." Marcelo, one of my most trusted friends, exclaims.

"Just as expected." I tell him.

"Wait. You knew this was going to happen?" He asks.

"Not exactly, but I was expecting some form of outburst from her. When I first saw her I knew that she was not the type of woman to just take life's blows. She was going to get up and punch her right back. In this case, I was the receiver of those blows."


"Yes, she--" I stop when I hear a knock at the door.

Who could it be. I specifically told everyone not to bother me unless someone was dying or there was a fire.

"Come in." I say in my hardest and most scariest voice.

The door opens slowly.


She looks anywhere but at me.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I say slightly puzzled.

She looks at Marcelo. "Alone, if you don't mind."

I signal for Marcelo to go. He gives a deep sigh, but gets up and leaves, closing the door behind him.

Camilla stands there as if she doesn't know what to do with herself.

"So to why do I owe your presence. If I recall we are not on good terms right now." I stand up and make my way to the front of my desk.

She seems to gain some confidence and, yet again, manages to puzzle me.

She runs up to me and gives me......a hug.

She hugs my torso and sinks her face into my chest.

"I'm sorry."


What do you guys think Camilla and Bruno talked about?

Remember to COMMENT AND VOTE <3 <3

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