Ch. 18// Hospital Room

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Camilla Summers

Some people say that when you feel close to your death that you will start looking back on all the things you've done in your life and you will realize that what you might have prioritized was not fulfilling and that you might be disappointed that you couldn't do more, or that you wasted so many opportunities along the way.

I might not be close to my death, but I realized something important. I gave too much of a fuck for people that did not deserve it. I let how much I cared about their opinions and feelings get in the way of being truthful and honest with them. I realized that I hid a part of me when I was with them. I became someone that I thought I should be in order to fit in with their lives. I realized that I should just be the real me and that if someone doesn't like it, then too bad. I can't keep on changing who I am in order to please them or make them care about me and my opinions.

Too bad I had to realize this in a hospital room, which I do not remember being brought to. Honestly, as far as learning a lesson, this has to be one of the most life draining, well at least physically, that I've ever learned. I never imagined that this would happen, considering that I've had very few sick days in my life, with the most severe one being a cold.

What's something that I also never imagined? Seeing Enzo Ferrer on the side of my bed upon waking. Honestly, as far as things go that is a pretty good sight. He looks like shit, but I imagine, so must I. But don't tell him that he'd probably bring it up all the time and honestly the world doesn't need an ego the size of his and when you add the cockiness that comes with it I would probably throw something at him... like a vase, but considering we're in a hospital it would probably have to be an IV or a glass of water.

Water. I really need water.

I move slightly to try and see if there is some on the table near the bed, but in doing so I hit my hand against Enzo's face. He startles awake and looks at me. Yeah, he really looks like shit. What happened to him?

"You're awake." he croaks out in a scratchy voice.

He looks like he hasn't slept in days. His clothes are slightly crumpled, which is surprising since from the time she started living with him (without her consent) he hasn't looked anything but his best. Seeing him like this is sobering. He almost looks like a normal human being.

"Do you need something?" he asks.

I realized that I have been staring, which might seem a little bit creepy to him. Although, it should be understanding since I barely woke up from a severe fever. Has it been days? Or Weeks? I shake my head a little to clear my thoughts, which I soon regret as vertigo hits me. Crap. I wait a moment before speaking, or something that resembles it.

"Water." Is all that I can manage to say. My throat feels so dry and heavy that even swallowing feels like a chore. He stands up and moves towards a table on one of the corners of the room. As I look around, I realize that this room must be expensive. The bed is bigger than normal hospital beds, there's a glass wall separating the bed from what looks like a sitting room with a TV, a coffee table and very expensive chairs and couch.

"I can't afford this," I mutter in a daze, with my still horrible voice.

"You're not paying for it." He mutters as he brings me a glass of water with a straw in it for easy access. I try to take the glass, but it seems that I have very little energy at the moment.

He holds the glass for me and moves the straw towards my lips. I sip some of the cool water and nearly die from the relief. I close my eyes, my relief palpable.

"What happened? Why am I here?"

Enzo looks at me. His stare is starting to make me feel uncomfortable and I really don't know how to feel about that.

"Do you not remember?" he asks.

I close my eyes trying to think back to what I last remember. "I was in bed reading, then I fell asleep. That's about it- wait, no. I was in a lot of pain. And I was sweating a lot." My cheeks heat up. Damn, way to embarrass yourself.

"You had a fever. You almost died from it." His face hardens.

I frown. "A fever? I don't get sick though. I can't remember the last time I even had a cold."

"Well, it appears as if your immunity is gone." I look up at him.

"You look horrible."

His laugh startles me. Its deep and it echoes inside the empty room.

"You're one to talk. You should look at yourself. You're pale and you've lost weight." He frowns at that.

The door opens and a nurse walks in.

"The doctor is on his way to check up on Miss Summers."

The nurse bustles about the room checking the machines and making notes.

I look at Enzo. "I should probably tell you that I'm scared of needles in case the doctor has to use any, so if I have a panic attack just knock me out or else, I'll probably hurt someone. Mainly me, but still."

The nurse laughs. "Do not worry. There will be no needles involved. It seems all your vitals are fine. He will just go over everything and prescribe you something if needed."

The door opens again as a tan man with graying hair comes in.

He gives me a warm smile. "Are you ready Miss Summers?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I suppose."

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