Prince!Tokiya x Mermaid!Reader

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The sunlight reflected onto the water's surface, creating this majestic luminescent glow.
It was hot outside and it meant only thing; summer has started! You were a mermaid, but not just any mermaid. You were the princess of the merfolk. Although, being a princess isn't as fun as you think when you're usually hauled in your room during most of the day.

That was until your fish friends, Otoya and Syo swam over to you while you were laying on the sand at the bottom of the ocean.

"Hi, Otoya-kun and Syo-kun." You greeted them with a smile. You've known these two ever since your mother had passed away from illness. Just seeing them would always make you happy, forgetting any bad thing that was on your mind. "Race you to the surface!"

With that, you quickly swam up towards the surface. Otoya and Syo followed, but at a different pace. As usual, you beat your two friends to the surface and you swam to a nearby rock.

"Haha! I beat them again!" You grinned in triumphant. You slowly lifted your body up to sit on the rock until you waited for Otoya and Syo to arrive.

You looked up and saw the clear blue sky and the bright shining sun. You didn't mind the blazing heat, you were just glad that you won the race.

Soon, you saw a certain red head next to the rock you are sitting on, breathing heavily. "___-chan! You're too good at this!"

"Not really..." You drew some sweat after you listened to him complain like a little child.

A second later, Syo arrived, but he was frowning rather than smiling. "___-chan, you're a princess. You shouldn't be doing crap like this all the time!"

Hearing those words made you gasp then look down. It was true. Although you hated your princess duties and always wanted to have fun. But since you were a princess, you were restricted to doing fun activities like the other merfolk.

"Syo, you made ___-chan upset!"

"I-I'm fine," You reassured with a smile. "He is right about me being a princess..." You sighed then looked at the sky again. "Can I some alone time?"

Otoya and Syo listened to you and dived back down into the water. You on the other hand, held your hands together and wished that your father would let you do fun activities like your mother did when she was still alive.

Before you back into the water, you heard someone sing. You quickly hid in the water, but kept your head above the water to hear and watch that person sing. You saw that a, a prince was singing a beautiful song. This prince was not a merman, he was an actual human prince. He was charming...too charming and felt an arrow pierce through your heart.

The prince stop and you quickly dived your head back underwater so you won't get caught. As you swimming back to the kingdom, you couldn't help but blush. His voice and song were blended together and it became a paradise of something amazing, like it was destiny that this would happen.

"S-Something's wrong with my heart..." You muttered then placed your hand over to where your heart is at. You felt it throb. What was this heart-throbbing sensation? You couldn't tell what this was. You've never felt this kind of feeling in your life. Can this be your first time you've at first...sight?

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