Haruka Nanase x Reader

376 13 1

"Haru-chan!" You called out for your boyfriend. He was nowhere to be found.
You sighed. It was a mistake to let him into the sea museum in the first place. He was captivated.
At least you didn't bring him to an aquarium. Who knows what he would do to get into the fish tanks?
You tried once again, "HARU-CHAN!"
Again, he failed to reply, and you were running around frantically looking for him, when you see a glimpse of dark navy blue hair in the corner of your eye, on the head of a boy on the ground in the fetal position. You scanned the body, and you could see black swim trunks with purple accents peeking out of his sweats.
"HARU! Oh my god, what happened?" You crouched down, clutching his shoulder. He winced at your touch.
"I, ow, I, OW, I"
"(f/n)-chan, I ran into that display," he said, pointing to the large conch shell encased in a glass box, atop of a white platform.
"Okay, and?"
"Take a look for yourself." He rolled up his shirt and revealed his amazing abs omfg a small, barely visible cut.
"Um, Haru? What am I supposed to be looking at? I mean, apart from your delicious body."
A crowd began to form around the two of you.
"Are you blind? Look!" He pointed towards the small cut, and applied a bit of pressure to it, causing some blood to emerge. "DO YOU SEE THE BLOOD? My body is literally slowly decreasing in weight because of this blood waterfall-oh waterfall, dang, did I ever tell you that my first crush was a waterfall-" He was interrupted by a slap.
"You're a wimp."
"W-w-w-water," he gasped for air. In response the crowd around you two, primarily composed of girls who thought Haruka was hot, gasped and panicked. Some people even threw water bottles for the boy.
You took out your box of vocaloid bandaids. "Alright, alright, wait a second." You peeled off the backing, when the boy:
I don't want that one."
"Because I wanted to go to the aquarium."
"ARGHHUNIFENJKFWNJI," you were frustrated. Then you looked in the Hello Kitty box and thanked the Lord almighty for the miracle you saw.
You peeled off the backing and put it on Haru's toned body.
He frowned.
"What is it this time, you pansy?"
"You didn't kiss the booboo, (f/n)-chan."
So your lips met the near-invisible cut, and you felt your body pulled close by a familiar hand, and a pair of lips, Haru's lips, gave you a kiss.
"Wow, I didn't know they made swimming Hello Kitty bandaids," Haru mentioned.
"Well, I didn't know you were such a bitter wimp."

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