One-You Look So Good In Blue

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Third person P.O.V.

The natural light of the sun sparkled across the glassy surface of water. Small cracks appeared as a gentle breeze swept through the surrounding trees, stirring leaves and raising birds with subtle chirps. It was a peaceful place, a place of dreams, of comfortable silence.

Until hollers and pounding feet split through the air. A teenager, perhaps nearing his end of freedom before adulthood, sprinted down the wooden dock suspended over the lake. He leaped off the edge, plunging beneath the surface before coming up with a cry of, "Holy crap, it's freezing!"

Laughter could be heard from the tree line, and a girl a couple years younger than the boy emerged. "'I can take it.' he said. 'I'm a man!' he said." The girl mocked the boy as she padded down the dock, stopping at the edge and curling her toes around it. She leaned out as far she dared, her ridiculously long hair swinging over the water. "I warned you. But did you listen? Nooooooo." She smiled as the boy paddled closer to the dock, his teeth knocking together.

The girl crouched at the very edge, observing as the boy kept going beneath the planks of wood. Confused, she got on to hands and knees and stuck her head down to peer under the dock. The boy was no where to be seen. She sat back up, staring across the expanse of water. Where the hell did he go?

"Gotcha!" A triumphant shout came from behind her, and before she knew it, she was sailing through the air and landing into the water. She gasped at the coldness that seeped into her, sucking in water. She flailed around, desperately paddling upwards and her head broke the surface. Coughing madly, she parted her light brown hair and glared at the sopping wet boy clutching his side as he laughed.

"Damn you, Kayden." She croaked out weakly. Her teeth chattered and she wrapped her arms around her chest, trying to hold onto whatever warmth she had left.

Kayden just laughed harder, flopping onto the dock. "You're face was priceless!" He hooted.

The girl shook out her arms and legs, hoping that movement would chase away the stiffness setting in. She dipped below the surface and began swimming towards the small wooden ladder fastened to the side of the dock. Small fish could be seen darting about below, and some daring enough to flash up to the girl, then leave in an instant. Plants waved about, dancing to the rhythm of unheard music.

Upon reaching the ladder, she noticed the rungs were still damp, and guessed that Kayden had climbed up from here to ambush her. She chuckled and shook her head, beginning to place her feet on the bottom rung when a torrent of water attacked her from above. She yelped in surprise and blinked through the drops to see Kayden standing above her, a bucket raised in his hands and a huge grin plastered across his face.

"I-i ha-a-te y-you-u." The girl stuttered through trembling lips. Stiffly, she made her way up the ladder to stand shivering besides her best friend since preschool. He was laughing so hard, he could barely stand. The girl tried to glare at him, but couldn't stop the smile as she rubbed her hands across her arms. "Why is soaking me so damn funny to you?"

Kayden shrugged and placed a hand on top of her head. "Because you don't complain. Because you don't act all pissy when I get your clothes wet. Because you don't have a ten foot pole shoved up your ass and can actually take a joke." He leaned down so that he was looking right into her eyes. "And because, Adira. I find your anger cute." He poked her nose and gave a lopsided smile.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, an annoyed pout drawing down the corners of her mouth. "Your lips are as blue as the water." He said.

"I wonder why." She retorted sarcastically, sticking her tounge out.

Kayden chuckled and folded her gently into an embrace, rubbing small circles across her back in an attempt to warm her up. The girl stiffened. Adira had never liked close contact, with anyone. But Kaydens soft touch made her relax and she laid her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist.

His chest rose and fell in a content sigh, tightening his grip around her. Adira froze and felt her heartbeat quicken. She let her arms fall from around him and wiggled out of his embrace. Kayden looked at her questioningly and she backed away with a nervous smile, jabbing a thumb towards the woods. "We should...get back. Before the others start to worry."

His blue eyes grew sad, but he covered it up with a quick grin and scratched at his black hair. "Yeah. I'm sure Charlie will smash something if we're late. Again."

Adira laughed, her sea green eyes flashing. "He'll smash your head in. Then we'll all be screwed 'cause we don't know any other drummers as skilled as you." She lightly punched his shoulder, then turned and started walking towards the trees. Kayden blushed at her compliment and stared after her, rubbing the spot her fist had made contact.

He had always admired Adira, for her strength and her personality. She never cared about what people thought of her, always did things in her own unique way.

Kayden shook his head and grabbed the bucket. He started trudging after the girl of his dreams, his heart as low as the worms beneath his feet. He knew Adira would never like like him, would never love love him. They will always be stuck as "just friends." He sighed and started to softly sing one of the songs they were performing tonight, one that sounded amazing when sung by Patrick, but even more amazing when Adira sung it:

I've got troubled thoughts and the self esteem to match.

What a catch, what a catch.

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