Ten-You Put My Head In Such A Flurry, Flurry

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A lullabye, because why not? I think they all need one in this chapter.

Jamie's P.O.V.

My phone buzzed in my purse, catching me as I was changing back into my "roadie/manager" clothes. I was in the back of the dark tour bus, getting ready to act like a scared little girl.

"Hello, this is Jamie." I answered, slipping on the worn down boots I despised so much.

"Courtney needs them brought in, alive." Jade huffed. I rolled my eyes, stuffing my leather clothes into a duffle bag. "Don't bother with friendly salutations, darling. It's fine." I said back, my voice dripping with sweetness.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." She responded, just as much sour honey soaking her words. "Let's take the time to gossip on the new clothing lines while we're at it. It's not like our lives are on the line or anything."

I laughed bitterly, wishing I could reach through the phone and wring her pathetic neck. "Why can't you come get them? They're off in the forest somewhere. I'm sure little miss expert wouldn't have any trouble finding them." I removed a sheathe from my purse, checking to make sure the knife was in it before shoving the clothes bag and my purse under one of the bunks, wishing it was her dead body I was hiding. Truth is, I know the groups exact positions. I just want to see this bitch fail.

"Because you're there and they trust you. Just act like you're driving them to safety and bring them back to base." Jade hissed. "Don't harm Patrick in anyway; keep him clean. Confirm?"

Frustration, anger, and hate filled me, pushing against my rib cage like a trapped cougar. "Confirmed." I sneered. I didn't give her a chance to say anything more as I hung up. I yanked my hair out of its ponytail, messing it up in a way that made me cringe. "I don't get paid enough for this shit." I growled, rubbing at my make up. I couldn't look too perfect or they'd suspect something.

Then there was a shout from outside. I didn't take the time to check, only grabbed my sheathe and stuffed it in my boot. I'm pretty sure that was Joe, which means the two who had separated from the other two are coming. I quickly dialed the numbers of the attack team who had stayed behind, telling them to move in and keying them in on the orders. Only I changed some plans: they're given the chance to kill if need be. I slipped my phone into a pillow, climbed up onto one of the top bunks and laid flat, keeping a hand in my boot on the knife handle.

I'm sick and tired of playing things by the rules. Courtney can kiss my ass, because one of these motherfuckers is going to die tonight if things don't work out to the plan forming in my head.

Andy's P.O.V.

Joe stuck close to me as we rounded the clearing to the bus. He'd often step on branches or curse when one would get him in the face. One caught him in the eye, making him cry out louder than we could afford.

"Shut it!" I hissed. "I know being stabbed in the eye is painful, but those girls can do much worse than a branch." Joe glared at me, then sighed and nodded. "Sorry."

I measured the distance we still had to get to the bus, coming to about forty meters of open space. "I think one of us should go on to the bus, and the other should stay here to keep watch." I said, turning back to Joe. "It'll be easier to continue on without both of us exposed. And if one is captured, the other can get Pete and Patrick out of here."

Joe looked as if he wanted to argue, but he actually kept quiet and seemed to think of what I said. He started nodding slowly. "Okay, sure. But I think you should be the one to get to the bus. You're a lot quieter than I am."

I chuckled dryly. "Ah, yes. The soft spoken ones are always labeled as the probable ninjas."

Joe punched my shoulder. "It's the logical statistic everyone comes up with when they think of ninjas: silent, lethal killers."

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