Eighteen-But Don't Get The Wrong Idea, We're Gonna Shoot You

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Pete's P.O.V.

I was still seeing spots from the blinding light that came from the suitcase. Those things had shoved Adira in there, and now that psychotic James kid was in there with her. But at least we know she's alive. If we could get that case, we could find a way to get her out.

The demon closed the case and handed it to the woman, who handled it like it was a bomb. The demon who had ripped its hood off now had it back on, its hands shoved into its robes. "Patrick." Was all it said.

I took a step behind Andy and Patrick, trying to get closer. But to my surprise, Andy literally leaped up next to Patrick, a gun drawn and pointed straight at the demon. Where did he get a gun? "Don't you fucking dare talk to him." He growled.

Everyone froze. The woman raised the suitcase like a shield, and I imagine the two demons are laughing at us now. I would be, too. It's four men with one gun against two demons with unlimited amounts of power. I'm sure we know who'll win.

"Put down the gun, Andrew." The thing chuckled after some tense moments. I felt Joe grab hold of my hand and squeeze, letting me know he was behind me. Andy shook his held and held the weapon tighter. "I will shoot you if I have to."

"Andy." Patrick broke in calmly, standing slowly and putting a hand to his shoulder. "Put the gun down."

The demon moved closer, and I stepped up, too. I wasn't sure what I could do, but maybe something would hit me if I had to do anything. Andy kept glancing from Patrick to the demon, trying to decide what was right. His finger moved just a bit tighter around the trigger.

"Andy." Patrick repeated, his tone firmer. "The gun. Put it down." Andy still hesitated. His breathing was hitched and I saw a sweat roll down his face. He knows what's at stake here. But he's still willing to risk it all.

I came up slowly behind them, keeping my gaze on the demon. My skin crawled with those bugs you get when you know someone's watching, and that's just what he's doing. I leaned over to Andy and started whispering in his ear. "Andy, we're no match for them. Those are demons. You saw what they did to Adira, and James. You saw what they did to Patrick...."

I trailed off as movement caught my eye, but I quickly came back for fear the demons would take notice. "We'll be okay, just drop the gun." And I knew we would. It wasn't some cheap ass lie set to make us all feel better. I knew with certainty that we would be okay. "Put the safety on and stick it on the ground."

Andy looked at me questioningly from the corner of his eye. I couldn't say it out loud, so I tried to say it with my eyes. Trust me. He sighed and nodded slightly, putting the safety on the gun and slowly crouching to put it on the tiles.

The demon chuckled and brought its hand out to clasp together. "Wonderful."

Wonderful, indeed, I thought as the woman behind the three pulled the trigger.

A/N: Hey, I know this is a short update, but I wanted thank all those reading my story and voting. I'm happy to know you're enjoying it <3 thank you so very much for sticking through all these chapters, especially you, 20dollarfanfics. You've been through this entire book and I just wanted to say thank you for your support. I'm always happy to hear what you think, and you leave such wonderful comments.

In fact, I'm always happy to hear what any of you think. Don't be shy to leave a comment. I always read them and always respond as best I can. I don't bite, I promise. I'm a clawless little fantasy writer with teeth meant for smiling C:

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