Twelve-We Never Have To Come Back To Earth

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Patrick's P.O.V.

"You're here to get your daughter back."

My heart stopped. My breath caught in my throat. I could get Adira back?

"H-how?" I stuttered out before I could stop myself.

The demon laughed, chilling me to the bone. "Quite simply. Just sit here in this chair and we will explain everything." A black cloaked arm lifted to point behind me where a very hard looking chair now sat.

I was hesitant. I mean, wouldn't you be if a figure in black told you to sit after nearly choking you? Plus, how can you bring the dead back to life? It's just not physically possible...right?

I cast nervous looks around me, seeing no break in the dark circle or any movement to suggest I could run. But I did see a woman, her blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun and her eyes gleaming hungrily. She glared me down and I found myself sitting obediently in the chair.

Was it the menace in her gaze? I couldn't be sure. But I know for certain that the fear that filled me didn't come without reason. Metal bands restrained my wrists and ankles to the chair. I thrashed about, knowing I couldn't get out but still trying.

Everyone still tries to be free of their bonds.

That woman with the eyes of ice, she stalked up to me and stood with her feet shoulder width apart and her arms crossed, a smirk on her ruby red lips. Her eyes were green, I noted, though I wasn't sure why. I had bigger things to worry about than some lady's eyes colour.

She leaned down so we were face to face, and gripped my chin in hard fingers. "She looked just like you, Patrick." She said almost dreamily. A hand came up and ran through my hair, and she smiled slowly. "Just like you."

How did she know Adira? The question was on the tip of my tongue, but an impatient clearing of a throat came from behind the woman. She dropped her hands but still stayed at eye level. I couldn't tell if it was sadness or pity in her lingering gaze before she straightened and walked behind me.

I felt her hands again in my hair, then some wires were placed on my forehead, on my biceps, my triceps, even down my shirt on my chest.

And I couldn't do a thing about it. I sat and glared at the black figures around me. I'm guessing they watched back because my skin crawled with that feeling you get when you're alone, but you feel like something is there with you. The woman stood next to me, her eyes gleaming with possibly excitement, but I could be mistaking it for insanity.

"Courtney, we need blood." Rasped the demon in front of me. Courtney, the woman with blonde hair and mad green eyes, nodded and removed a syringe from her pocket, as if she had been prepared. I tensed and tried to jerk away, but it was no use with the metal bands. She braced a hand on my head, holding me down, before smoothly inserting the needle into my arm.

It stung, but I didn't make a sound. Her hand lingered in my hair once again before she walked to the demon, head bowed, presenting it with the vial of blood like a man would present a ring to his lover.

"Perfect." It growled. It reached out a clawed hand, and as it's fingers wrapped around the little vial, the circle closed in and the demons joined hands. Courtney was by my side in a heartbeat, her fingers gripping the back of my chair so hard, they turned white. Chanting filled the air in a language I couldn't recognise, but it sounded harsh and guttural.

Then the room seemed to hum and the dark walls started to glow, like it was plugged into an electrical tower that was on the surface of the sun. It was blinding, even, and I was forced to close my eyes.

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