Fourteen-We're Just Hell's Neighbours

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Jade's P.O.V.

I watched in mild amusement as Courtney literally ripped apart her office again, the papers falling like snowflakes and the chair losing a leg. She was screaming with every fiber of her being, cursing the demons in that room and damning them all to hell.

Oh, but Courtney. Hell is their home. I smiled, but had to quickly hide it when she looked over at me. Her green eyes were like fire, and I swear they nearly burned mine.

"They can't do this." She seethed, flexing her fingers. "They told me I'll get what I want, and that was Adira. They told me I could stay through the whole thing. Those lying BASTARDS!" Her foot kicked the wall with a satisfying bang, a hole left behind. She didn't even show any pain as she stared down at her now powdered white shoe, bending down to wipe it off.

I shuffled my feet awkwardly, not knowing what to do as Courtney slowly calmed down from her tantrum. She blinked and shook her head as if coming out of a trance, and started picking up the scattered papers as before, piling them neatly on her splintered desk. It was very strange, almost scary, the way she can go from an absolute monster and destroying things to a repairman in a few seconds.

"Go find where they stuck Patrick." She said after awhile of tense silence. She didn't look up as she straightened her papers, and I'm glad she didn't. By the way her hands curled, she looked like she was ready to rip them to shreds. I wouldn't want to see her face at this time.

I nodded stiffly. "Yes ma'am." I replied a bit too sweetly, and clicked my way out of her office.

But I didn't search for Patrick. No, I already new where they stashed him. I made my way down the hall to the room where they had called Adira back, glancing over my shoulder every now and then to make sure she hadn't followed me. I was told to come alone if I wanted things to work out.

I slipped silently through the door, allowing it to slide shut with a soft click, and looked around. There was a hole in the ceiling now with pieces of the roof scattered on the ground. A chair sat empty in the center, some splatters of blood painting the floor and its arms. But I didn't stop to examine for too long. They wanted me there as soon as possible.

I skirted the outskirts of the room and came upon the only other door, finding a small peep hole set in it. You never want to enter a situation you couldn't see a bit of first. I leaned in to try and see inside, but found it too dark.

I raised a hand to knock when the door opened and I was literally ushered in and sat down in a chair in the span of two seconds....somehow. I would question it, but these are demons. They have ways of doing these things, and I guess closing the goddamn door is one of them.

"Jade." Hissed the leader from the center of the circle of dark figures. The room wasn't that big, which means the cold air had no where to rise and fall, it just sat like water at the bottom of a glass. I shivered and rubbed at my arms, but never hunched in on myself. That'd be a sign of weakness. And weakness is not something you want to show around these things.

"Sire." I answered. This time, my respect wasn't forced. It wasn't sarcastic as it is with Courtney. I truly do hold great amounts for these otherworldly beings, for what they're capable of doing to others and me.

The demon smiled. "So glad you could make it. We were just getting started."

And that they were, I thought as I watched Adira, who was floating above us, her long brown hair spread out all around like tentacles. Her arms were crossed over her chest as if they were going to bury her in a coffin. Which I guess, they were. A very small, shiny silver coffin with a combination.

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