Sixteen-My Friends Lie And Say

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Dawson's P.O.V.

I still can't believe that Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump are standing right in front of me, and Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley are just there across the room at the door. I know this is no time to be freaking out about it, as Pete had told me not too long ago, but my childhood was here. I grew up looking up to these four, and when I met Adira and she looked so much like Patrick, I freaked. It took her months to convince me that she wasn't his daughter, or at least some forgotten cousin or younger sister.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall. That's another thing that I can't believe. That she had died, and then those demons brought her back. I don't know much about angels and demons and their powers. Hell, I don't even believe in them. But now may be a time to read up. If they can raise the dead, who knew what else they could do?

"Joe!" Pete called quietly from next to me where him and Patrick had been whispering to one another. "You got the door open yet or what?"

I glanced over at the guitarist and drummer. I could only see Joe's afro as he covered his face with his hands. Andy patted his shoulder to get his attention, and when he looked up, his eyes looked empty, hollow. He shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah. Yeah, I got it open." He replied in a barely audible whisper.

We made our way to the pair and Patrick set his hands on both of his shoulders. "You good, man?" Joe refused to meet his gaze. He instead glanced back at Andy, who nodded and gestured at him to go ahead with something.

Joe heaved a huge sigh and rested his head on Patrick's shoulder. "Jamie's a traitor." Came a muffled confession after a few seconds of silence.

The name had no significance to me, but Pete reacted as if someone had just killed a guy. "WHAT?" He yelled in outrage, his eyes furious and if this were a cartoon, steam would be pouring from his ears. Patrick's face turned stony and cold and he literally shoved Joe away. He stumbled into Andy, his balance off at the sudden move, and they both steadied each other.

I stayed back and watched with wide eyes. I've never seen the group split like this. I mean, I heard once that Patrick had punched Pete over an argument about lyrics, and Pete had tried to strangle him with the hose of a gas pump for the same reasons. But it was one thing to hear about it and another thing to see it.

"HOW LONG DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?" It seems Pete had forgotten to keep his voice down as he advanced on Joe. Patrick was clenching and unclenching his fists, but stayed put. If looks could kill, no one would be alive.

Andy stepped in front of Joe with his hands out. I couldn't tell if it was meant to ward Pete off or as a sign of surrender. They did a little dance of Pete bobbing and trying to duck beneath Andy's arms as he blocked him."He didn't know until just now, Pete." Andy's voice seemed laughable at how quiet it was compared to Pete's screaming. "I just told him."

"Oh, you just told him." Pete's voice was dripping with sarcasm. He took a step closer and stood nose to nose with the drummer. "Then tell me, Andy. How long did you know?" He shoved against Andy's shoulders, though it was one of those shoves you'd give to someone while going, "Huh? Huh? Whattaya gonna do 'bout it? Huh?" "How long did you know damn Jamie, the one who knows things about us we don't want the press or demented music cults knowing about, was against us?"

I glanced back at Patrick, but he wasn't there. I looked at the door to see it cracked slightly. All my attention had been focused on the tense group of men in front of me that I hadn't seen him leave.

Shit, I thought to myself. The men were all a few feet away from the door, so it'll be easy for me to slip on through. I slowly and with wide steps made it to the door, checking to make sure they hadn't seen me before twisting the handle, leaving, and pulling the door shut all in one go.

I glanced down the hall to the right. Empty. The left, however, had Patrick creeping along in a crouch next to the wall. I cupped my hands around my mouth and was prepared to give a hushed call.

But another pair of hands wrapped around my jaw and stopped me.

Patrick's P.O.V.

Jamie had been against us? She was one of them?

And Joe had known. I had to bite the inside of me cheek to keep from yelling. He had known, and he didn't say a word. If he had said something, we wouldn't have gone. If he had said something, we wouldn't have led them to Adira. She wouldn't have died, then been brought back to life. None of this would have happened if he had just said something.

"HOW LONG DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?" Pete yelled for me instead, advancing on the pair. I was going to explode if I didn't get out.

So I left. I just opened the door and left. My nails had left grooves in my palms and I massaged them gently, then found I had dented my cheek as I ran my tongue along it. I looked down the hall both ways, and realized I probably should've thought this through. I could've walked right into one of those girls, or demons. But, as my good fortune seemed to be counting on me, the hall was empty.

That didn't mean I shouldn't be careful. I crouched down and started a slow walk to the right. Adira had been in the room two doors down. Perhaps she's still there. I can get her out. I know I can, and we'll leave. We'll get out of this place and hide somewhere safe, just her and me and the guys-

Some of the guys, I thought bitterly. I was close, so close, to the door where she was. But I hadn't even touched the knob when a laugh came from behind.

I whirled to see Dawson, and froze when I saw the kid holding him. He had blonde hair, kind of shaggy, and black eyes. All black, like giant pupils. I knew him. He looked so familiar. Jason? Jimmy? James? Yes! James! That shy guy Adira had talked to before everything dropped.

Dawson struggled against James' grip. But James had somehow pinned his hands up over his mouth, making it easy to keep him quiet and make sure he had no way of fighting.

"Aww, look. It's your idol, Dawson." James hissed into his ear. I only blinked, blinked, and he had Dawson pressed to wall with a wickedly nasty knife poised to the back of his neck. Dawson's eyes were full of fear, pleading for me to do something. Anything. Just get him away from his friend-gone-mad.

I felt a sense of purpose then. Well, not exactly that. It was more like a save-him-you-piece-of-shit-don't-let-another-person-die-because-of-your-actions. I felt like I could make up for the mistake I made when I let that bullet strike Adira and not me. The mistake I made for leaving her.

I rose to my full height, which still isn't that menacing, and felt a surge of confidence. I can do this. Yeah, I can help him.

James' eyes grew wide in mock surprise. "Oh, look, Dawson. He's going to save you." His face twisted into an evil smile and he pressed the blade just a bit harder. Dawson whimpered but stayed still. "What's wittle adorable Pattycakes gonna do?"

He was taunting me. He thought I wouldn't do anything because I've been labeled as "the nice guy." I glared at him, and he watched me back. Neither of us moved. There was no sound, just silence.

I slowly raised a hand to remove my hat, and I let it fall to the floor. As soon as it hit those tiles, James threw himself at me. I hadn't thought that would set him off. He screamed in outrage and I had no time to brace myself before he tackled me to the ground.

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