Scary business

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We ran to the hospital and knocked down the doors, only to be welcomed by an eerie voice "Really? You're just going to run in here, looking all fearless? Well you can quit the act because I know what you're all most afraid of" "What are you talking about?!" M'gann asked "you know exactly what I'm talking about... Just check those body bags... You'll see what I'm talking about" He continued "And what if we don't open them?" Robin asked "Well then... You're friend won't be free, after all, they're in one of the bags" He said laughing evilly "Okay, there are eight bags and seven of them have real bodies" said Black Hood "I don't like those odds," I said "can't you check which body is who Black Hood?" I asked "I tried, something is interfering with my tracking powers" She replied "Crap... does that mean that we have to check all these bags?" Robin asked, almost barfing "Guess so" M'gann said. We all went in front of one bag and slowly un-zipped the bag, the minute we did, we all screamed "Is that... Mom?..." Robin asked shocked "I don't know but I think I'm looking at dad..." I said "What kind of sick game is this?!" Black Hood screamed. "I told you... You'll just end up looking foolish trying to look fearless... Like I said... I know all your fears" the voice laughed *gasp* "Guys! I know who we're dealing with here!" Robin said scared "If you're thinking what I'm thinking, then I think you're right" M'gann said "Scare-" "-crow" Black hood and I said. "Hehehe... That's right... looks like you kids AREN'T as dumb as you look" he said laughing "HEY! That's rude!" Robin yelled "Really Robin? NOW is when you wanna teach someone some manners? Come on! We have to find our friend!" I said "Yeah, you're right, let's *gulp* keep looking" Robin said, slowly walking to the next bag "ugh... woos" I said opening mine quickly *gasp* "Sis... Why is Batman in a body bag?..." Robin asked "I don't know... Why is Wonder Woman in a body bag?" I asked scared "Ahhh, I see that these two are afraid of the same thing... seeing the justice league fall! HAHAHA" Said Scare crow laughing "uhhh why does this body bag have a white martian in it?!" M'gann asked "Ohhh, and I see this own is afraid of-" "Shut up!" Black Hood yelled "No one bullies my friends! Not you! Not anyone! Now come out and fight like a man!" She continued "I can tell what this one is afraid of, just by looking at her, she's afraid of fear itself! Haha! Priceless!" He laughed "You dumbass! I'm not scared of anything!!!" She screamed "Or so you want others to believe... You don't want others to know what you're afraid of, so you act tuff to cover your fearful interior... Isn't that right?" He asked, probably grinning, "No! T-That's not true... It... It isn't!" She yelled "I'M NOT SCARED OF ANYTHING!" She screamed, Ripping open a body bag. "AHHH!!!" She yelled "ROBIN! Help her out! M'gann, the last body bag! Open it!" I demanded "On it!" They said "That's fine... I'll be back later... This isn't the end of me..." Scare crow said, probably leaving. M'gann opened the last body bag and there was Aqualad lying down in it. Robin calmed Johanna down and brought her to where Aqualad was. "He's not.... dead.... is he?" M'gann asked "No, I don't think so, Joker told me that he didn't kill any of you" I said "Still, we can't trust everything he says" Robin exclaimed. "Ugh... W-Wat...Water..." Aqualad mumbled "Right! Someone get some water!" I yelled "Right!" M'gann said, running out of the room and coming back with water "Oh thank goodness, I'm just going to ignore where you got that water and just be glad you did" Black Hood said. Robin sprayed Aqualad with the water and a few minutes later, he woke up. "Aqualad! You okay?" Robin asked "Yes, I'm fine" he said, getting out of the body bag "Scare crow was here, did you happen to see him?" Black Hood asked "No... Sorry" he replied. "All that matters is that you're okay" M'gann said "Agreed. Black Hood, can you tell where the next person is?" I asked "Uhhh yeah... they're in... the weight room" She answered
Guys, I'm not sure if it's called this, but when I say weight room, I mean that place in prison where people usually work out, I don't know/think they have that in Asylums but there is one in this story, okay enjoy.

"Can you tell who it is this time?" Robin asked "No, sorry" she said disappointedly "that's alright, now, let's go free our friend!" Aqualad said running towards the weight room. "Interesting... She acts so... interestingly fearless" There's that voice again... who is that? And why am I the only person that can hear them?

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