Why so serious?

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I get to Arkham Asylum at 5:00pm just as the letter is written, but no one is here, "HELLOOOOOO? ANYONE HERE?" I ask "riddle me this" said a voice I heard "oh no, not you!" I yelled "what's wrong with me?" he asked "the real question is what isn't wrong with you" I said "well that's rude, you know, coming out of the girl who's friends are in danger and all" he said, probably grinning "where are they?!," I asked "ANSWER ME NIGMA!!!" "looky here E, looks like someone knows your name *evil laugh*," said another voice of whom I know too well "oh, oh! ask her a riddle! ask her a riddle!" said a girl's voice "ugh fine, riddle me this" "hey! I'm not gonna answer any stupid riddles until someone tells me where my friends are!" I yell "well your kinda gonna have too young lady because if you don't do them your friends are gonna die, and if you get the wrong, your friends are also gonna die so really you only have one option HAHAHA!!" Joker laughs "ugh fine!" I said "that's the spirit, anyway, riddle me this, what is always coming but never arrives?" Riddler asked "easy, the answer is Tomorrow" I said "wow we have a smart one E, ask her another one!" said the Joker "alright as long as you keep paying me, riddle me this, who buys it never uses it, who makes it doesn't need it and who uses it doesn't feel it, what am I?" he asked "hmmm... give me a minute," I said "uhh, oh I know! a coffin!" I yelled happily "*grumble* right again" Riddler said angrily "last one E don't mess this up!" Joker said "oh oh! ask her that super hard one you asked me before!" Harley said "ohhh good idea, alright, riddle me this, where the crazed go and the sane laugh, only one will survive the big bad rumble, if you don't get there fast, they're dead body will be the last thing you see, where am I?" he asked, I have no clue as to where that is but I guess il try to guess "uhh, In a boxing match?" I said "wrong! HAHAHA! say goodbye to your friends!" Joker laughed "actually, she still has two more tries" Riddler said "WHAT?" Joker asked "hey I'm nothing if not a fair man, now kid, try again, and you saw how serious Joker was so two wrong answers and your friends go bye bye" Riddler said. Ok, ok focus, just act like it's a game show, I'm good at game shows, especially when it's a re-run, but, if we're in Arkham than at least ONE riddle has to be about this place. "Uh, Bane's...cell?" I say unsurely "correct!" Riddler said "DAMN IT!" Joker yelled "ha! now tell me where my friends are! NOW!" I yelled "you see, I already did" Riddler said "what?" "the answers to the riddles are where your friends-" "SHUT UP E SHE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW!" Harley said probably whacking Riddler with her hammer "thanks...E, I guess il see you later" I said running towards Bane's cell, hang in there guys I'm coming. I keep running and running, thank god I have super speed, but I still can't manage to find Bane's cell, it's as if they hid it somewhere, "this door, il try this door" I said to myself while opening a random cell door "oh hey......two-face......I'm just gonna....close this door now, don't mind me" I said closing the door until his foot stops it, "wait a second little one," he said opening the door "look I'm kinda in a hurry....so I gotta go" "I have an idea let's flip a coin, good heads says I help you, bad heads says you die, fair deal?" he asks "I don't have much of a choice now do I?" I asked "not really, now, hold on to your life" he said flipping the coin, I start to get nervous, I don't wanna die I still have my whole life ahead of me, two-face catches the coin a then sees if it's good heads or bad, he whines at the answer then puts his coin away and grabs his gun "so, what do you need help with?" he asked, oh thank god "I need help finding bane's cell" I said "Bane's cell? why didn't you tell me you had a death wish I would have helped you either way" he said confused "listen, one of my friends is in there and I need to find them, and you said you'd help me, so HELP ME!" I said aggravated "ok jeez, follow me" he said walking in a certain direction, I am so lucky that I ran into two-face and not someone like Poison Ivy or Penguin. As we get to the deepest darkest room of the Asylum I hear a scream from inside a cell that looks like a wrestling room and realize "oh my god, I know that girlish scream, that's Robin!" I yelled getting inside the cage "wait! if you go in there I'm leaving you behind" Two-face said "and if you don't come and help me I'm gonna make sure that your locked up in the crumbliest, most uncomfortable cell there is in here, so unless you wanna live like that you BETTER get in here" I threatened, he took a pause and then followed me inside, good choice. "How big is this cell?" I ask "I guess big bad Bane needs a lot of room" two-face said "guess so" "AHHHHH!" "there's that scream again! in came from that away! Let's go!" I yelled while running in the direction of my brother's scream, when we get there I see Robin tied to a table and being punched to death by Bane "Oh my god! what am I gonna do?" I ask myself "don't worry I got this, just get ready to hide" Two-face says walking up to Bane "hey, hey just the man I wanted to see, big bad Bane, so, I see you've got a bird tied up like a caged animal" Two-face says looking at Robin "yes amigo your eyes do not fail you, my compadre Joker was able to guarantee me getting to pluck the bird first" Bane said "alright so what I wanted for you to do is, go to Mr.Freezes' cell" Two-face said "ok, and?" Bane asked "and then, laugh at him for being locked up" Two-face answered "that sounds extremely stupid" Bane said "yes but, Mr.Freeze laughed at you! he said that you look like an overgrown elephant when you take your venom" Two-face said "GRRRAAA! WHERE IS HE!?" Bane asked raging "two floors up,and here are the key's to your cell to leave" he said handing Bane the keys "adios amigo" Bane said running out of the room. "ugh! get away from me Two-face, it's not brave to kill an opponent who's down!" Robin said trying to get out of his trap. When I come out of my hiding spot I see an air of confusion on Robin's face that quickly turns into anger "YOU! your working with the bad guys now?! how COULD you?!" "You never were the smartest kid were you?" I said releasing him from his trap "so, your not working with Joker?" Robin asked "NO STUPID!" I yelled "than why is HE here?!" he said pointing to Two-face "because he's helping me" I said "oh, so you flipped a coin huh?" Robin asked "no, I just had a change of heart, jeez is he always this stupid?" Two-face asked "pretty much, ok so, the answer to another one of his riddles was Tomorrow, so uhh, is T.O. Morrow in this place?" I asked "yeah, I see him everyday" Two-face said "alright, let's go!"


Hey guys sorry to bother your reading but, I don't think T.O. Morrow actually goes to Arkham (probably not) but I needed him to in this book, do you know how hard it is to get riddles into books?, anyway enjoy!


As we run to T.O. Morrow's cell we see him trying to escape with a crowbar "what are you doing?" Robin asks "ah!," Morrow screamed dropping the crowbar "nothing, nothing at all" He said "sure whatever, let's get down to business," I grab him by his collar and make him bash into the prison bars "I know, you know where one of my friends are and I know think your a smart guy," I said lifting him off the ground "let's test that theory shall we? If you don't tell me where my friend is in the next 3 seconds, I will literally give you a 'shocking' miss hap and I would feel just awful if you were in the hospital for an ENTIRE year" I could see him sweat and his face just looked like he was about to scream like a little girl "alright! alright! Il tell you! just please, put me down" he screamed, I put him down and he ran to his cell bed and started singing like a bird "alright so the Riddler gave me a riddle to tell you" "no! you are going to tell me where my friend is or you are going to suffer an electrifyingly painful concussion! you hear me?!" I screamed "wow, you sure she's never been a villain before?" Two-face whispered to Robin "believe me, she's never even thought about-...wait a minute...why am I talking to you about this?!" Robin asked "SHUT UP YOU TWO!" I screamed once more "woah! calm down Electra, we'll get whoever is trapped and then go to the next person just like you did with me, ok?" Robin said "ok, fine" I said calming down "thank you, now if you wanna find your friend all you gotta do isn't so hard, what you see in front of you are not one, not two but three cards. One is fake, one has a skull and one has a golden heart, find the golden heart and then I will set your friend free, get the skull they die, get the fake card with nothing on it and they stay here without getting hurt" Morrow said "alright guys, if there's anything I've remembered while still being Batman's sidekick, it's to never trust the middle card" Robin said "that literally doesn't make any sense" I said looking confused "silence woman! let the men in the room handle this" Robin said "so we can flip a coin to see which one we get?" Two face asked "exactly" Robin said "oh for crying out loud everyone just grab one!" I said picking up the middle card, then Robin and Two-face took the other two "oh look at that, the middle one was the right one, idiot" I say to Robin "it...it usually works" he said defensively "hey! th-that was was cheating!" Morrow said "coming from the villain in the room, other that Two-face,now, give me back my friend!" I yelled "ok fine here you go" Morrow said pulling the covers from the top bunk of his bed and revealing M'gann all tied up "woah! M'gann you ok?" Robin asked "y...yeah I'm f-fine" she said very weakly "let her go!" I yelled "alright! I'm getting her, jeez," Morrow said picking her up "but I need you to open the door" "yeah right, that's not gonna happen," I said ducking to get to M'gann's level "hey, you think you get go through the door by using your powers M'gann?" I asked "I...Il try..." she said going into go through mode (that's how il call it) and coming on our side of the door "M'gann! Il untie her" Robin said "alright so now we need to save Artemis, Kid Flash, Red Arrow, Aqualad, Metallica, Zatana and Black Hood" I said "alright let's go guys" Robin said carrying M'gann and starting to run "alright!" I said running as well, two-face behind me, oh Wally I hope your ok, and that goes for all of them too, even Artemis. "Hey Electra! where are we going?" Robin asked "Gotham cemetery" I mumbled "you mean, the cemetery where the guy who founded the Asylum is?" M'gann asked "yup, and if I'm not mistaking, there's a coffin leading down to a cave" I said "how do you know that?" Two-face asked "because I've been there before and if one of my friends are down there than something tells me that they are going to have a first hand experience with a 'shocking' miss hap"

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