Killer workout

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Aqualad, Robin, Black Hood, M'gann and I ran towards the weight room as fast as we possibly could, only to find Red Arrow attached to a huge ball and chain. "He can barely move" Robin whispered "Is anyone with him in there?" I asked "I can't see anyone" Black Hood said "Me neither" M'gann added "Let's move team!" Aqualad whispered. We sneakily made our way into the weight room and looked around to make sure no one else was there "Psst. Red Arrow!" Robin whispered "You guys! You're here!" He whispered happily "Yeah, we're gonna get you out of that ball and chain, don't worry" M'gann whispered "You guys better be careful! I'm not in here alone!" Red Arrow said "Wait, What? Who else is in here?" Black hood asked "Killer croc, and I'm pretty sure Bane is here too" He whispered "Bane again? When is he going to learn to quit?!" I whispered "Electra! You came to save me too?" Red Arrow asked excitedly "Well... Duh, I'm not going to leave you in here" I whispered "I'm glad to hear that" He smiled. As we're about to break the ball and chain, we heard a loud door close "Looks like we found a few more gym members" said one of the voices "Si, me amigo, hope they got the lifetime membership, because they're going to be here for a while" said the other. As they got closer, we all tried to hide, M'gann turned invisible, Robin did that thing where he just disappears... Somehow, Black Hood was probably taken with Robin and Aqualad.... Just stood there with a fighting stance. "What do I do?!" I whispered "Here, take my hand" M'gann said holding out her hand "okay" I said, taking it. The minute I grabbed her hand, I turned invisible. It was so cool, not being seen. "Hmmm... I know I heard someone here..." Killer Croc said "Let's go check over there" Bane added, as they both walked away, we all stopped hiding "I can't believe they didn't see us!" I whispered "Yeah, Aqualad wasn't exactly well hidden" Black hood added "Hiding is for cowards" Aqualad simply stated "We can discuss this later! We need to free Red Arrow" I whispered "Yeah guys! Help!" Red Arrow whispered "I got it" Aqualad said running up to him and using his water sword to break the chain in half "Thanks Aqualad" Red Arrow said gratefully "No problem, we need to go" Aqualad said running towards us "Leaving so soon, me amigos?" Bane asked blocking our path "When are you going to learn to give up?" Robin asked him "Yeah, we're getting really sick of kicking your ass" Black hood said grinning "Shut up! Now, DIE!" Bane yelled swinging his giant firsts at us "Robin! Electra! Red Arrow! You three fight off bane while M'gann, Black hood and I find Croc!" Aqualad ordered "Got it!" We all said.

Robin, Red Arrow and I started fighting bane but he was too strong, We were all like twigs to him "Ugh... Now I understand how this guy was able to break Batman's back" Robin said angrily "Yeah, this guy is too buff! We won't be able to fight him off for much longer" Red A said "Don't give up guys! Keep fighting until I come up with a plan" I said "Okay... We'll try" Robin said weakly.

Gotta think, gotta think... What could make Bane less strong?... Oh! Duh! "Red A! Hand me your Bow & arrows!" I ordered "Uhh Alright... Do you know how to use 'em?" He asked "Pfft, please, I grew up with Robin, if I didn't keep up with him then he would get all of Batman's attention and girls like to be noticed once and a while" I answered confidently "...Hot... Uhh I-I mean!... H-here" Red A said awkwardly "Hehe, thanks, for the Bow and the compliment" I giggled taking his bow and one arrow "Are you sure you only need one?" Robin asked "Do you really need to ask? Cover me instead of asking stupid and obvious questions!" I said focusing on the venom tank behind Bane. "I need him to turn around! Distract him guys!" I yelled "Got it!" Robin said throwing his baterangs at Bane "Oh please, do you really think that a puny little thing can hurt me?" Bane asked Robin who was grinning "No, but it CAN distract you" Robin answered "Wha--" "Electra NOW!" Robin yelled. I concentrated on the target and aimed the bow "And... Target locked" I said with a funny robot voice as I shot the arrow right though Bane's venom tank, it shattered like glass. The venom was spewing all over the place, it was about to spray me and get me all dirty when Red Arrow ran towards me and covered me with his body. Bane collapsed on the floor, laying there unconscious, Robin decided to poke him with a stick that he found somewhere. "You alright? Did you get any venom on you?" Red A asked "Uhh I don't think so" I said inspecting myself "That's good" he said wrapping his arms around me "Uhh... Red? I have a boyfriend" I said trying to get him off of me "I know, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him" He said leaning closer to me. "Oh no you don't!" Robin yelled throwing a baterang at Red Arrow which made him let go of me "Oww! Dude!" Red Arrow yelled "Listen Red! You try to make a move on my sister again, and you'll be hit with something way worse than a baterang!" Robin said grabbing Roy's collar "Fine dude! Just relax will you?" Roy said removing Robin's hands "Robin, I don't need your protection! I can take care of myself without my baby brother getting involved" I said angrily "That's a nice way of thanking me, if it wasn't for me, you would have needed to explain something pretty bad to my best friend and I don't need to get in the middle of that argument" He answered irritated "Listen you--" "ROBIN!" Yelled Black hood coming back happily "H-hey BH" Robin answered "We just beat the SHIT out of Killer Croc!" She said "Indeed we did" Aqualad added. "That's great BH, can you track where the next person is?" Robin asked "Uhhh yeah, they're in the science lab" She answered "Well then, off to the Science Lab" I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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