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As we get back to Mt. Justice Green Arrow looks at us with a warm smile "good job guys, we received word that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were safely brought to Arkham, so we decided to give you guys the day off tomorrow" "really why?" Aqualad asked "because tomorrow Spee... I mean Red Arrow is coming" Green Arrow said "Yay! can't wait!" Kid said all recovered, that was fast "that is great news indeed, we have much to tell him" Aqualad said "yeah but it's late now so you guys should go home and rest" Batman said "alright c'mon girls let's go" "yippee!" "Fine" all three girls said going to their room.

"So...who's this Red Arrow guy?" Metallica asked "I think it's supposed to be Speedy" I answered unsure "haven't you heard of him Metallica? he flipped out, on the day that he, Robin, Kid and Aqualad were supposed to get promoted to *cough* official League Members, because they weren't showing them the real *cough* thing, all they showed them was an attraction for tourists, *cough* furious he decided to leave and become his own *cough* person, now he goes by the name Red Arrow" Black Hood explained "how do you know this stuff?" Metallica asked "Robin told me, he also told me his secret ID" she said "OMG!!! what is it????" Metallica asked curiously "he told me not to tell anyone, but apparently Jessica Grayson over here knows as well" she said grinning at me "OMG!!! really????" "stop saying omg!!!," I said "and yeah, I do know in fact I was the first person to know" I said all cocky "awww I feel left out now" "he'll probably tell you...eventually" I said "alright let's talk about something else" Metallica said "like what?" I asked getting into my pyjamas "like what happened inside Ivy's house, you saved Kid, did he 'plant' one on you,hmmm?" She asked (See what I did with the "plant" lol pun intended) "w-what?! N-no way!!! why would that have happened?!" I said nervously *gasp* "he DID didn't he?!" she asked again *sigh* "yeah..." I said blushing wildly "OH MY GOSHHHHHH!!!! THAT IS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!" she said annoyingly "wait really, you didn't know that? *cough* oh right you weren't there" "WAIT!!! you KNEW?! and you DIDN'T TELL ME?!?" she asked surprised "ok guys, please don't tell anyone it's not that big a deal" I said "not that big a deal? NOT THAT BIG A DEAL?!? Jessica this is huge!!!" Metallica/Karman said "listen Karman I know you really like love, but it was just one kiss, no biggy," I said casually "and besides it probably didn't mean anything" I said sadly "but didn't he confess that he cares about you?" Hood asked "well yeah but that's only cuz we're friends, nothing more, right?" I asked "I don't know he seemed serious. I should know, I was there" Hood said *yawn* "ok girls as much as I love talking about this, i'm getting tired we should be in bed, so good night" Metallica said "goodnight" Hood and I answered.

The next day...

*KNOCK KNOCK* "GIRLS WAKE UP RED ARROW IS HERE!!!" Robin yelled on the other side of the door "ok, ok we're coming" Black Hood said "good morning girls" Metallica said "morning" I said getting up "whatcha gonna wear today?" Metallica asked "I don't know, I guess il wear my Batman belly shirt with my jeans" I said "want me to do your makeup?" she asked "sure, as long as you let me do your hair" I said "deal" we said laughing girlishly.

15 minutes later we finished our look and notice Black Hood left 10 minutes ago so we leave our room looking fabulous and meet up with everyone else. "Hey! you girls finally showed up! meet Red Arrow" Robin said as he was pointing towards Red Arrow "hellllllo and who do we have here?" Red Arrow asked "uhhh this is Electra and Metallica" M'gann said. Red Arrow walked up to me "hey there i'm Red Arrow" he said kissing my hand. All I heard after that was Kid grumbling to himself, "so you free saturday?" Red Arrow asked me "hmmm yeah I think I am" I answered "uhhhh no your not!," kid said running up to Red Arrow "remember you told me you would hand out with ME saturday?" Kid asked "I did?" I asked him "yeah remember I asked you yesterday?" Kid said desperately. Is he jealous of Red Arrow asking me out? hmmm interesting. "oh yeah now I remember, sorry Red Arrow maybe next time" I said gently putting my hand on his shoulder to make Kid jealous "uhhh yeah sure no biggy" Red Arrow said blushing "so uhh what do you guys wanna do today?" Karman asked "anything that Electra is ok with i'm ok with" Red Arrow said "hmmm how about we go to an amusement park?" M'gann asked "yeah I love those" I said "m-me too!" Red Arrow said "Me three!" Kid said "what about you guys?" M'gann asked "sure il go" Robin said "well count me out" Artemis said annoyed "but why?" Zatana asked "because, I don't want to go anywhere with this girl" Artemis said looking at me "ok really? Grow up Artemis" I said crossing my arms "just shut up ok? You may have the rest of the team fooled but I'm on high alert, because I know, Electra, that your just a sneaky, little-" "ARTEMIS ENOUGH!," Aqualad yelled "she may be new but she is defiantly a part of this team" Aqualad said seriously. "yeah! and your not really acting like a team player right now" Robin said "Artemis, it isn't nice to pick on people like that" M'gann added. "Look see! this right here is what I am talking about, you guys are being manipulated by her!," Artemis yelled "and i'm not going to stand here and watch her control you like this, like, perfect example, Red Arrow just sees a glimps of her and falls in love! like I JUST DON'T GET IT!" She yelled turning around and walking away. *sigh* I really don't like this girl she is seriously annoying. As everyone (except Artemis) go to the amusement park we all get super excited, especially M'gann since she's never been. "Alright, today is our day off but I still don't want you guys to get lost so what I've prepared is..." I wasn't paying any attention to Aqualad's speech, I was too focussed on Wally, making his jokes and laughing but I could tell something was bothering him, "...Jessica, JESSICA!" "huh?!? What?? sorry wasn't paying attention" I said embarrassed *sigh* "I said we are going to do two teams of five, so we can do different rides that suit our interests" he explained "yeah but I still don't get why you think we're gonna get lost, the only person who might is Robin" Black Hood said "hey! Il have you know that I am a very Mature thirteen year old" Robin said defensively "just make your teams" Aqualad said. "Electra wanna be in my team?" Red Arrow asked "umm sure but, when we're not being super heroes" I whispered "call me Jessica" I said cheerfully "Jessica? I like that name," he said "so call me Roy" he said "Roy? I like that name" I said laughing, "hey Jessica can I talk to you for a minute?" Wally asked "sure!" I said following him "uhh how do I say this?" Wally asked himself "I...I don't want you hanging out with Roy" he said "why? Are you jealous?" I asked "jealous? me? no, I don't know why, but I don't like you hanging out with him" he said "huh? so you don't want me hanging out with him? but can you explain why?" I said taking a step closer to him "uhh...ummm I uhh," he started "because he's bad news?" "then why is he a superhero?" I asked *sigh* "look, I just can't shake the weird feeling I get when your around him so please don't anymore" he said looking to his feet "well, I'm already in a team with him so, why not come with us" I said "ok sure, I can do that" he said "ok let's go" I said as we walked back to Roy "hey! so Wally over here is gonna be in our team, now we just need two other people, and I know exactly who to pick" I said "Yo! Mister dark shades! get over here! You too Johanna!" I yelled "yeah what's up?" Robin said "what do you want?" Johanna said, surprisingly nicer than usual "wanna be in our team?" "sure!" they both said cheerfully "cool so where are we going?" I asked "well I wanna start with the huge roller coaster over there!" Wally said pointing to a roller coaster called the 'looping horror' "R-Roller coaster.... I uhh, I don't know if, uhhh we should start with that" I said nervously "hey, are you scared of roller coasters?" Wally asked "w-what!? no way am I scared of no roller coa... yeah I am" I said embarrassed "that's ok, i-if you want I can sit next to you and uhhh, you know what your right bad idea" he said nervously "no, no I liked where that was going" I said gently grabbing his hand "uhh, I was just thinking maybe I could help you get over your fear, if you umm sit next to me" he said "alright, I'm down for that" I said still holding his hand "ok, so we're going to the Looping Horror so now that we know which one we're going too," Robin said coming next to us "LET GO OF HER HAND!" he said taking our hands apart "yo dude I'm older than you" Wally said.

In the line...

Ugh I'm feeling sick I really don't wanna do this, but I have too I don't wanna look like a dweeb in front of Wally, I wonder how Karman is doing?

Wherever Karman is...

"Hey, Conner I'm a little scared of this ride can I sit next to you?" Karman said flirtatiously "uhh sure but I don't know how that's gonna make a difference" Conner said "oh, it will, trust me" she said taking his arm. That flirtatious little love demon, how does she do that so comfortably?

Back to me...

"Alright ticket please" the man asked "uhh sure" I said giving him a ticket and getting on the ride, "over here Jessica!" Wally called "coming!" I said walking over to him and strapping myself in. I was really scared considering I hate loopty loops but I wasn't gonna chicken out now, "hey, Jessica! I'm gonna sit next to you too" Johanna said "thanks girl" I said, feeling a bit better "yeah! and if you get scared just hang on to me" Wally said *gulp* "uhh alright" I said. "Alright people it's time for the ride keep your arms,hands, feet and legs inside the ride at all times, thank you! and have a great day!" the man said with enthusiasm. I was so scared I almost puked... AND THE RIDE DIDN'T EVEN START YET! "hey, you ok, your looking a little green" Johanna said "wha?...yeah...i'm...i'm...f-fine" I said ready to faint "hey, don't worry about it, it'll be fun promise, and if you don't like it il do anything you want! but only once!" Wally said, Anything I want huh? I could deal with that, "o...o-o-ok!" I said shaking. the ride took off and I felt like I was going to fall off! we did 3 loopty loops and we were going to do a huge slide down. "ok ride's almost over you holding up ok?" Wally asked getting ready"uhh Wally could I hold your arm? i'm still kinda scared" I said "s-sure go on ahead! feel free to hold it more often" he said acting cute. I held his arm tight as we were riding down I felt surprisingly ok, I didn't need to puke or scream or anything I felt just fine. When the ride ended Robin and Johanna were skipping there way to a bench, Roy and Wally stayed with me to make sure I was fine (In fact wally was carrying me out). "I'm fine Wally really, it wasn't all that bad" I said "oh so I DON'T have to do something you want?" he asked "I said it wasn't all that bad, I never said I liked it" I explained "hey guys! over here" Robin said waving us over "yeah c'mon we gotta figure out our next ride" Johanna said "how's about we take it slow on the next ride?" I asked "ok sure! so, where do you guys wanna go?" Johanna asked "how about that ride? the one that looks like a bunch of swings in the air?" Robin asked "sure I love that one" Roy said "alright lets go!" I said.

Back at Karman...

"Hey guys! check it out!" Zatana said pointing to something "its a haunted house! can we go please?" she asked "yeah I wanna go in it!" M'gann said "alright, alright we can go" Aqualad looks like he's taking care of his kids today, it's not like we're gonna get lost. "Uh hey guys...where's Superboy?" Karman asked lowering her voice, I stand corrected, "uh I thought he was with you" Aqualad said "oh no! he's missing!!! we gotta find him!" M'gann said "don't worry we'll find him" Zatana comforted M'gann "I hopw he's ok, I wouldn't want anything to happen to him" Karman said "ok we'll spread out and find him, but just remember" Aqualad said lowering his tone "we are not aloud to use our super powers" he whispered "alright, let's go!" Karman said. They finally found Superboy after looking for half an hour, he was at the baloon popping stand winning many prizes, "oh hey Aqualad" he said "hey Aqualad? thats all you have to say?! you got me worried sick young man!" Aqualad said "young man? anyway, the point is that you stopped looking and that I won three giant stuffed animals" Supey said grabbing his giant dog, elephant and zebra "alright well il call the rest, they were all very worried" he said "e...even Karman?" Superboy asked "yes, she was probably the most worried and kept her cool not to let people see" Aqualad said "oh, a-alright than" Superboy said.

Back to me...

"Weeeeeee!!!!" Johanna cheered "this is so fun!!!" I said laughing "yo, Wally wanna have a contest?" Roy whispered "sure, what about?" Wally asked "it's called the 'who can figure out Jessica's weakness' game" Roy said "I don't know Roy... that kinda sounds...bad" Wally said uncomfortably "yeah, I guess your right, I mean...she'd only tell someone that she's really close to" Roy said "WHAT ARE THE RULES?!" Wally asked "no rules, but the deadline is tomorrow at sunset" Roy said "alright then,"


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