Torture zone

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When we got to the bottom of the stairs we heard zap noises and screaming like crazy and as if we all had one mind for a second, we all said "BLACK HOOD!"

We ran to where the noise was coming from and it looked as if my memories were coming to haunt me once more, I saw Harley Quinn holding a remote controlling Black Hood's chair and I got chills down my spine. "We have to do something!" Robin whispered "yeah, no shit sherlock" I said trying to come up with a plan "why don't we just go there and stop her?" M'gann asked "because we don't know who, or what, else could be down there with her" I explained. "B-But I can't just stand there while she gets hurt!" Robin whispered "I know, hey! isn't this usually the time where you find a plan? you are the assistant leader after all" I whispered to Robin "oh uh right, let's see.... M'gann, you distract Harley by any means necessary, Electra, you get the remote, il get Black Hood free" Robin said "and what if there's a second person with her?" M'gann asked "than you get it, Electra will get Harley and again il get Black Hood" he explained "but what about the remote?" I asked "LIKE I said you get Harley, if there is another person there, and than you take the remote at the same time, NOW, let's get her out of there" Robin said "alright!"

M'gann goes into go through mode and then, she notices that there is a shadow in the corner of the room ,so, she links us up and says "guys! there's a person in the shadows of the room, but, I can't see who it is" "alright, well, stick with the plan, their bound to come out eventually" Robin said "right, got it!," M'gann said "I'm going in" she continued. She swooped in and knocked Harley off her feet, letting her drop the remote, "I got it!" I screamed running and grabbing the remote "it's too late you little brat! I already set the remote to overdrive" Harley said laughing "NO!" Robin screamed. As we all look to Black hood, being electrocuted 10 times more than before, I see my brother running towards the chair and try to smash it. "NO ROBIN! IT'LL FRY HER BRAIN!" I screamed "not if I do it right! Just.....cover me!" he yelled playing with the chair's wires "alright! M'gann, let's do this!" I said targeting Harley while she goes looking for the weird shadowy figure that was in the dark corner earlier. "TAKE THAT!" I yelled kicking harley in the gut "hey, hey wait a second, time out," she said "so, you're mad at me, for giving you powers? Now how does that work?" she asked "huh? Well I never wanted to be on the edge of death because of you, a remote and a stinking chair!" I replied "really? Cuz I think owe me" she continued "what?...." "think about it... if it wasn't for me...YOU wouldn't have powers and you wouldn't be a stupid HERO!" she said laughing maniacally "y-yes I....I would have still been a hero without these stupid powers!" I yelled "well I STILL think it's a mistake for you to be a hero, considering I'M the one who gave you the powers to not be dead by now," she said "so what I suggest you join the villains" she continued "j-join the wha....?" "N-NO! D-D-D-Don't L-Listen to H-Her!" Black hood said ignoring the pain "I mean, let's be true, if it weren't for these powers, *whispers* You'd be nothing" she said in my ear "i-is t-that true? would I really be nothing? would I really be d-dead without these powers?" I started questioning myself "NO! YOU WOULD HAVE STILL BEEN A HERO! YOU DON'T NEED POWERS ELECTRA!" M'gann said "SIS! YOU PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE ME! AN ACROBAT! AND YET, I'M A HERO!!!" Robin said "don't listen to them, you know what you gotta do," Harley said putting her hand out for me "c'mon, you know it's the 'best' thing to do" she said "NO!" all three of my friends screamed at the same time. I turn to my friends *whisper* "I'm sorry" I turn around and give Harley my hand and she starts walking me to the exit "I'm sorry for this!," I yelled twisting Harley's arm and putting her on the floor "and next time Harley, DON'T try to manipulate me with the past, because trust me, getting my powers through pain, WASN'T the hardest thing that happened in my life" I yelled throwing her to the ground. "I got her out!," Robin said breaking the chair after his statement "hey, Black hood, you ok?" Robin asked, "YES! I'm fantastic!" she said wrapping her hands around him *cough* "uhh....great to know" Robin said clearing his throat in embarrassment "uhh...t-thanks for uh... getting me out" Black hood said "n-no problem" Robin said. "Oh for crying out loud" I said walking up to the two, who are still holding each other. I grab their heads, and made them kiss "uhh......*blush* *cough* t-that was uhh.....clearly not my fault" Robin said "aww, and I was going to ask you for an encore" Black hood said leaning in to kiss Robin again. "Should I break 'em up or..." I ask M'gann "I don't know. Besides you're the one who started it" she answered "Alright, alright! break it up! we have a lot more people to save, and one of them is my boyfriend, so, HURRY UP!" I yelled "ok, ok, we're coming" Robin said, still holding Black hood's hand. As we're about to leave I hear a voice in the distance "interesting" it hissed, I turn around in a fighting stance "hello? anyone there?" I asked, "C'mon Electra! hurry up!" M'gann screamed "C-Coming!" I yelled back, looking at the shadows one more time before leaving.

Back at the cemetery...

"Hey Black hood, how old are you anyway?" I asked "oh, I'm fifteen, why?" she asked "cuz the kid who you just made out with is thirteen" I said laughing "w-what?.....oh.....well, that's ok" she said "alright then, Wait a minute! I don't know where the next person is!" I said "don't worry about it. Remember, I have a tracking power, along with my psychic awesomeness, and I can sense that the next person is in the Asylum's hospital" Black Hood said "well do you know who it is?" I asked "sorry no" she answered "alright then let's go!" Robin said.

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