Joining the team

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~5 years later~

"Everyone get together Red Tornado and I have an announcement" Green arrow said "that is right so listen up," Red Tornado added "we have three new people joining the team" he continued "seriously? Don't we have enough members with miss annoying over here" Kid said pointing to Artemis "yeah well if they're girls il be able to talk to them about how annoying you are" Artemis replied "every one meet your new team mates Electra, Metallica and Black Hood" Green Arrow said pointing to us "wait what?!? Electra!! NO! we are NOT letting her on the team!!!" Robin yelled "dude why not? she's kinda hot" kid said smiling at me "yeah well that kinda hot girl is my-" "is his best friend" I said "now you three ladies will be given chaperones" Green Arrow said "wait a minute so we're gonna be given babysitters? I can take care of myself thank you very much" Black Hood said "well someone's gonna have to show you around" Green Arrow replied "pfft... fine" she said "alright Metallica your chaperone will be Superboy, Black Hood yours will be Robin and Electra yours will be kid flash" Red Tornado said to us "yes!," Kid Flash yelled "did I say that out loud?". "ohh someone's blushing" Metallica whispered to me "shut up!," I whispered back "what about you? you were blushing when Red Tornado told you YOUR chaperone" I said to her "uhhh... was not!" she snapped back at me "ok ok calm down I need to talk to Robin" I said walking away. "hey Robin can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked "sure" he said as we walk to a quieter environment "ok so I know we're siblings but not everyone needs to know it, got it?" I asked "ok fine, but be careful sis I don't want anything to happen to you, that's the absolute last thing I need" he said with a worrisome tone "ok but I gotta warn you about Black Hood she's feisty and dark so careful" I said "considering we lived with the DARK KNIGHT for five years, I think il be fine" Robin said "ok if you need anything come see me bro" I said hugging him "same here sis" Robin said hugging me back. As I walk to Kid Flash, Artemis comes up to me "hey I just noticed that you were looking in the direction of my boyfriend so I just wanted to say, BACK IT UP OK?! CUZ THAT'S MY MAN!!!," she screamed "k thanks" she said while leaving, "wooooow" I whispered to myself, I walk up to kid so we can start the tour "so you've met Artemis" he said laughing "yeah so what's your story? you two dating?" I asked "nah she wishes" he said "well it's a pretty good wish to have no?" I said laughing "keep up the cuteness and it might not be a wish for you for very long" he said putting his arm around me "yeah yeah play boy can we just get to the tour now?" I said laughing and taking his arm off me "s-sure" he said as we started walking towards the kitchen "so this is the kitchen and over here is..."

The next day...

"This is Batman we have an urgent mission for you come to the mane hall imedianly" Batman said on the speakers. *yawn* "hey girls wake up" I said to Metallica and Black Hood "il wake up when I want to" Black hood wined "don't you wanna do an urgent mission with 'Robin'?" I asked smirking "see you there slow pokes" she said getting dressed "so did you have fun on your date with kid yesterday?" Metallica asked "pfft... It wasn't a date it was just a tour" I said blushing "oh please I heard you flirting and I saw it work, he's totally in to you!" Metallica said putting on her costume "yeah well even if I DID like him I couldn't date him, little miss queen annoying has her eyes on me 24/7" I said putting my mask on "ugh same here with miss martian, she's all up in my space not wanting me to try to steal Superboy or whatever" she said "what about you Hood? got any enemies?" I asked "please don't you know me? I have tons of enemies" she said "uhh she meant did you make any new enemies... you know... here" Metallica said "oh yeah that magician girl Zatana isn't a very big fan of mine" Black Hood said "alright i'm all suited up let's go" I said running out the door with the other two.

As we run to get downstairs we accidentally bump into the guys which is very awkward because I land on Superboy, Black Hood lands on Kid Flash and Metallica lands on my brother Robin "Ahhh! Get off me!" Metallica screamed getting off Robin "what?! you were on me!" Robin screamed back "hey could you like, oh I don't know, GET OFF ME?!" Hood yelled to Kid Flash "ok,ok yeash!" Kid said "sorry about that it was an accident" I said to Superboy "ugh that's ok" Superboy and I got off each other like people that aren't insane (hint, hint, *she said pointing to her friends) while the others started screaming at each other "ugh maybe we should leave they could be awhile" Supey said "as much as that tempts me I have to wait here, you go on without me il catch up" I said looking at KF "ok see you later" he said walking away while I break up the fights "c'mon guys we have no time to lose" I said "your right, sorry" KF said "yeah sorry I bumped into you Robin" Metallica said "sorry KF... that's all the apology your getting" Black Hood said coldly "and YOU!," I said pointing to Robin "you need to watch where your going! What if that Was Superman or even worse" I yelled at Robin "oh please what's worse than Superman?" Robin asked with a grin "oh just a certain BAT I suppose" I said "yeah your right I would be dead if I bumped into Batman, but what about about KF? He didn't say sorry to Black Hood" Robin whined "your right KF say sorry" I said pointing to Kid "oh right, sorry BH" KF said "it's okay... No harm done, I guess" Black Hood said "Now let's get downstairs" Kid Flash said. As we get down stairs Batman looked gloomy (even more than usual) "your late" he said "yeah sorry about that we kinda had a situation up stairs" Robin said "really because Superboy was upstairs with you and came down faster than all five of you" Batman said "oh right sorry about that Batman sir" Robin said swinging his head down "you have to work on your time management Robin I expect more from you than to be late for a mission alert" Batman said coldly "it wasn't his fault!" I yelled without thinking "really than who's fault was it?" Batman asked "no Electra it WAS my fault" Robin said "no it wasn't we both know that it was my fault for keeping us up there for so long so if anyone should be lectured it's me" I said "yeah, yeah can someone just get yelled at already this is getting boring and we're here to get a mission not watch a soap opera" Artemis said "shut up Artemis stop putting your nose in other people's business" Kid said "whatever" Artemis said looking at me with cold eyes. "Alright listen up, Poison Ivy is going to threaten metropolis with her deadly plants again" Batman said "but Batman isn't that league business?" Aqualad asked "yes Poison Ivy is league business but today all league members are busy" Batman answered "wait a minute, ALL league members? is that even possible?" KF asked "yeah it's really rare but it can happen" Robin answered. "So basically we need to stop Poison Ivy from doing whatever it is she is doing?" M'gann said "no kidding" said Artemis "enough Artemis!," Batman said "next word out of your mouth and your off the mission" He said seriously "alright so let's get to the bio ship team" Aqualad said "yeah!"

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