The Power

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"I can control," "what? WHAT!? just say it! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Metallica screamed "I can control electricity" I said "whoa... seriously?" Metallica asked "yeah why do you think my name is Electra?" I asked "I don't know I thought it was just a name" she said "why don't you use that during battle?" Black hood asked "now that you mention it, that would be very useful indeed" Aqualad said "yeah it would, so uh, why don't you use it? or would you want us all to die?" Artemis asks with a nasty grin on her face "t-the reason?....I-I don't....because...." I trailed off thinking of something horrible "ok guys let it go, it's obvious she doesn't wanna talk about it" Red Arrow said taking a step forward and then winking at me, "hey, maybe you could show us your other power?" Kid asked. C'mon snap out of it! what happened was in the past, now isn't the time or place to be depressed over it. "Sure!," I said shaking my head and turning back to my cheerful self "but you guys might wanna take a step back, you know, for safety" I said with a grin "o...k... now I'm scared" Kid said laughing and backing up, I pose like runners would before a race, and then I start running faster and faster until I go faster than the speed of light, I run around the mountain twice and on my third and final lap I can see all the faces that my teammates, plus Red Arrow, are doing and my favourite is Artemis' face, she just looks so embarrassed about what she said before, I feel like laughing my ass off but I keep it in and finish my lap. When I come to a stop everyone surrounds me, hugging me, telling me I was awesome, everyone except Artemis, "OMG! That was AMAZING!" Zatana said "I can very much agree that that was amazing" Aqualad said "so cool, your probably faster than Kid over here" Red Arrow said "shut up," Kid said laughing "bottom line, your amazing" he added "pfft whatever, I don't see the need for two speedsters" Artemis said "will you ever shut your mouth?" Kid asked aggravated "Kid, stand down" Aqualad said "NO! I am SICK and TIRED of Artemis' negative attitude towards Jessica, I mean," Kid said turning towards Artemis "do you realize how much of a brat your being? or how annoying you are? You've been mean to Jessica ever since she got here and for absolutely no reason whatsoever! All you do is be bratty and all Jessica does is defend herself when you do so, other than that she's done nothing to you! so why don't you take those negative comments and..." "KID! enough" Aqualad said "well......" Artemis mumbled to herself "what was that?" Red Arrow asked also very agitated by Artemis "I said, maybe I wouldn't be so mean if SHE DIDN'T GIVE ME SO MANY REASON TO BE!!!" Artemis yelled running inside with tearful eyes. "Well....that happened" Black Hood said with a shocked look on her face "guess so" Metallica said with the same look "so uh," I said trying to change the subject "would it be too soon if I asked what power you have Metallica?" I asked *laugh* "no not at all" she said laughing, leading all of us into a time of laughter in this serious but funny moment. Everyone was laughing, everyone, except me.

As we walk back to where Batman, Black Canary and Red Arrow were Black Canary takes a step onto the battle area and asks "who would be willing to fight me today?" "oh oh! I will, I will!," Kid said "and then, I can show you some of my moves" he added, even I was laughing with everyone after that "alright take a fighting stance and come at me" Black Canary said "oh alright I can get behind that" Kid said flirtatiously. After his, unusual, comment Kid charges at Black Canary but she gracefully doges and flips Kid onto his back "so, did anyone see what he did wrong?" she asked "oh I know, I know!," Robin said "he flirted with a teacher and got served" Robin laughed "oh HA HA very funny" Kid said "no, but good answer Robin," Canary said laughing "but for real what he did wrong was...." I wasn't listening, I was too busy watching Green Arrow try to cheer up the crying Artemis and feeling guilty, obviously Kid came next to me and imediantly understood what I was going though "hey, don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault she started it" he whispered trying to cheer me up "yeah I know but still I wish I could make it up to her" I whispered back "excuse me," Black Canary said to Kid flash "am I interrupting anything?" she asked "uh no, not at all" he answered "well considering you were the one who got beaten in a match I would think that you would be the one to be paying the most attention" she said "sorry Black Canary it was actually my fault he was talking" I said "hmm well just pay attention" she said "yes ma'am sorry" I said "well I guess it is a little late so might as well stop here but remember, I will be teaching you self defence every day so don't you start slacking off, now go hit the hay il see you tomorrow morning" she said heading for the exit. As we all go back home or to our rooms I overhear something that Artemis says "...she makes me so mad, I wish she'd *sob* just leave so everything would go back to how it was! *sob*" I really wish she would just learn to accept me as one of the team, but I guess you can't force friendships, or in this case, make her hate me less.

The next day...

*Yawn* "hey girls..." no answer "girls?" I ask again "hmm guess they left" I said getting up and putting on my costume, as I walk outside it's surprisingly quiet so I try knocking on my brothers answer "I swear to god the jokes on them if I walk in there and someone is naked" I said twisting the doorknob and entering the room, but what I saw was terrifying, it looked like a war zone in there, ripped posters, paint on the walls, what the hell happened in here? I look down and see something *gasp!* "S-Superboy? is that you?" I ask to a big bump on the floor. I take off the bed sheet over it and see that the thing under it was defiantly NOT Superboy, I mean, it looked like him, was as tall as him, even smelled like him and had the same hairstyle but what I saw was an ugly clown mask attached to his face and a wrapped up present that was ticking right behind him, "oh my god! I have to get him outta here!" I said as I pulled Superboy out of the room and into the hallway, I have a feeling that that was a fake bomb but then is the Joker. As I waist half an hour trying to pull the mask off of Conner's face nothing works but then I notice a piece of paper on his back written "you locked up the plant lady and my assistant so I left a little gift for you in the boy's room, unfortunately he's still alive, and so are your other annoying friends but if you don't want them to have a 'tragic' accident, then you'll come to Arkham Asylum at 5:00pm WITHOUT any back up and il free your friends and that 'naughty' boyfriend of yours so, il see you then TOOTALOO!!! Love Joker" "oh my god what am I gonna do?! they have everyone locked up somewhere" I look back to the paper a mumble "Arkham Asylum....I'm coming guys just hang in there" no matter what I AM going to rescue them, no matter what...

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