Moving Sucks

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Gerard's p.o.v

School has always been a living hell for me. Bullies like to pick on me because I wear black. People nowadays judge people for what they look like. It will always be like that. My parents don't see that though. They try to help the bulling, but it never works.

But sometimes, you get judged even for what you love doing. Like, I used to be judged for drawing until they saw how beautiful and detailed my drawings were. When they did, they shut up. They should. I spent time on my drawings. They all think its cool to make fun of people that do things differently than others. Most people that are in highschool listen to the top forty pop shit. That's something I do differently. I listen to darker stuff like The Misfits and such.

Music is and always will be my escape from this insanity that I live in.

I have two friends. Gwen, and Mikey. Mikey is my brother. Even though he's a year younger than me, he's always been my best friend. He isn't popular, but he has friends. He wears black And listens to the music I do. He's never really got bullied that I know of. (He tells me everything so I don't think it's ever happened him.) And Gwen. I've always known Gwen. She has really dark brown hair and dark, almost black eyes. She has braces, and dimples. But she's really pretty. She's into the music I'm into but has more of an artsy style. She's an artist, she's always telling me how she is creating a new painting. She lives in Belleville, were I'm moving. We never lost touch. We hang out on the weekends and stuff. I mean, now that I'm moving there we will be in the same school. I'll get to have a friend at my school for once.

Mikey didn't want to move. He had a couple friends and there was kid he liked. I don't understand how he doesn't get picked on and I do. Not trying to sound like a prick, but he and I are into the same stuff, but I'm the one that gets picked on.

Also, he's gay. Another reason I don't understand why he doesn't get picked on. Well, I guess he doesn't tell much people.

I'm bi. As in bisexual. Not completely gay, condensing the fact that I've been attracted to some girls, but that's usually not the case. I prefer boys. People at my school know I'm bi, but they act like I'm just gay. I get the usual 'faggot' and 'fag' comments, which I guess I deserve. But I can't help my sexuality.

I guess all the bullying got to my head, because now I have severe depression. I just don't feel any hope in my life, which I know is a terrible thing to say. It's just how I feel. Everything in my life is sad, and dreary, so why would I have hope? I don't believe in love, and I will never fall in love, it's as simple as that.


All of us pack into the car, besides my dad that's driving the moving truck.

I look over at Mikey, who has a tear stained face. He must be upset over the move.

"Oh Mikey, it's okay bro. We're only moving an hour away, it's not like you'll never see your friends again." I say patting his shoulder.

He rolls his eyes, "well it's not like you would know what it feels like. You don't have any friends besides that Gwen chick."


"Isn't someone a ray of sunshine this morning." I snap. He just rolls his eyes, and turns his body to look out the window.

I should just let it go. He's just upset about moving. He'll get over it eventually. It's not like it's the end of the world.

My mom pulls out of the driveway, and starts to follow the moving truck.

"Guys, when we get there, You need to pick your rooms."

Mikey grunts, and I nod.

"Now lets get out of this hell hole." I mutter.

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