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Mikey's P.O.V.

I knew they liked each other; I knew it. Ever since I turned out being gay, Gerard got interested in how it was okay for me not to only like girls. But when I overheard Frank tell the receptionist, I had to make Gerard tell Frank his feelings.

"Is he okay?" Ray asks as he puts his head on my shoulders.

I nod, he's okay.

"Oh my god we have to call your parents!" Ray says popping up as some of his fro gets in my mouth.

Oh shit we do.

I take my cellphone out. 20 missed calls.

Woah it's late... 11 already?

I call my parents and my mom picks the phone up. It sounds like she's crying.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" She screams.

"Everything's okay." I'll let her off easily.

"Calm down were okay. Well maybe not Gerard but he'll be okay soon. We're at the hospital. Gerard got beat up by a gang, and he lost some blood." I say, wow real easy Mikey.

"I'm already in the car on my way." I can hear a couple voices, then I hear my dad yell.

We totally forgot... We need to call Frank's parents.

I dial they're number, and they pick up right away.

"Hello, Mikey?" His father asks.

"Hi Mr. Iero, I'm so sorry Frank didn't call you right away, but we are at the hospital with Gerard. He got attacked by two guys and lost blood and broke some stuff." I say.

I hear him gasp, then I hear Mrs. Iero ask him and then hear her shriek.

"He's okay though. He has some medicine, and he'll be okay soon." I say. Wow this sounds bad, I just realized this.

"We'll be there soon... We have to finish up a meeting." She says.

I hang up.

"Did you call your parents?" I say as a walk over to Ray and kiss him on the cheek.

We get some dirty looks.

"Yep... They seemed worried..." He said.

"Gee told Frank .." I say, a smile forming on my face.

Ray smiles hugely, which makes my heart do backflips.

"What?...." He says.

I smile hugely.

"Well, Ray, Gerard told me he liked Frank. And I think he's telling Frank right now." I say.

It's funny how the whole mood changed from upset to happy.

"I feel like a gossiping 13 year old girl!" Ray says squealing.

"You sound like one too." I say laughing out loud.

We both start laughing and turn our attention to the tv across the room.


Franks P.O.V.

Gerard's facial expression is blank. Almost looks like he's in shock.

Then his face turns into a smile.

Why is he smiling? He's probably going to laugh at me.

I burry my head in my bands and I feel tears coming. I totally ruined our relationship. We weren't even that close! How could I of done something this stupid.

I totally ruined it...

At least what we had at all...

He always made me feel happy, and I think about him constantly...

I thought I was straight though... I mean, I think anyone would go gay for Gerard. He was absolutely perfect.

But look what I did. I ruined our friendship.

Gerard motions me to come sit next to him.

"Frank, I-"

"NO! I KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE ME IM SORRY JUST FORGET I SAID THAT!" I say getting up and running out of the room.

I can just feel the tears running down my face.

I go into the waiting room and sit far away from Mikey and Ray.

But they still see me.

Mikey gives Ray a scared look, and then gets up and starts to walk over.

"What's wrong Frank?" Mikey asks as he sits next to me and puts a hand on my back.

"I told Gerard I liked him..." I say crying harder.

He gave me a weird look.

"What did he say to you?" He asks.

"He didn't say anything..., well actually he was about to say something but I knew he would reject me so I ran out of the room...." I say sobbing.

"GO BACK IN THERE AND LISTEN TO WHAT HE WAS GOING TO SAY!!" He yells getting up and practically dragging me out of my seat.

"W-why?" I question.

He gives me the "just do it" and "death" look mixed together.


"No trust me, go." He yells back.

So I decide to go back to Gee's room.

I knock on the door.

"Don't come in." A voice whimpers.

"Gerard I didn't mean to run out on you..." I say, trying not to show that my voice was trembling.

"Why did you?" He asks through the door.

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"Sure..." His voice fading off.

I open the door to a crying Gerard and it breaks my heart.

"Why are you crying?" I say walking over and sitting on his hospital bed

"Why are YOU crying?" He sniffles.

"Because I know you're going to reject me. Now why are you crying?"

He shuffles a little bit and looks me in the eye...

"Frank, listen... I was crying because you left.." He says.


"Why were you crying because I left?" I ask, very confused.

"Because this." He says...

Then kisses me.

Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. READ AUTHORS NOTE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvV


A/n: yea I know, I'm cute. I write very cutely...



I think it will turn out very well...

Here's the summary:


It's called the Sharpest Lives.






For always commenting sweet things :) you guys keep me going!

Sorry for the large authors not XD

xø -Insanity

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