Locker Trouble

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A/n: can you guys spread the word about this story? I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks :*

Franks p.o.v

School, is a living hell.

I hate it.

More than I hate meat.

And I hate meat a lot.

I'm a vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat or as long as I remember.

At school, it basically goes like this.

I get there, I get pushed and shoved. (I'm extremely cluster-phobic)

I go and fail math class.

I go to English, and struggle.

I get called emo by jerks that like ruin my life that sit behind me.

Occasionally get shoved in a locker.

Go to science, fall asleep sometimes, and get yelled at.

I go to lunch, sit with my girlfriend, and get hardly any, but some attention.

I go to Spanish, get yelled at for getting bad grades in it.

Then finally, I go to music, (only 7 people in my class) and get complements on how good I am at guitar

Then, walk home.


So as you see, I'm not looking forward to going today. But who would? It's just a crappy routine that no one looks forward too.


The alarm clock spazes out telling me to get my ass out of bed.

I get up, walk to the shower, because I reek, and turn it on.

I wash my hair and body, and get out.

I dry myself off with a towel, and walk to my dresser to get into my clothes

A black Misfits shirt, and ripped jeans.

I apply my eye liner, and go down stairs.

No ones home, as usual.

I grab a bowl and a box of cereal and prepare Eat that. Then time to get out the door.

I grab my backpack, and walk out the front of my house.

I look over, and there is a moving truck parked in the driveway of the house next to mine.

Oh, it's the new neighbors.

A boy, with black, longish hair and skinnyish, wearing a Green Day shirt, and a boy with blonde hair, in Anthrax shirt, with a black beanie. Both of them are wearing darke jeans.

Should I say hi? And be a social person?

Hahaha, Nope.

Maybe I'll talk to them after school.

It's funny how my parents never are home, and because of that I have to walk to and from school everyday to Belleville High. A MILE AWAY. I guess that's not that far, but I'm not a physically active person. Yet I'm still skinny, and really short.


I arrive at the school, and I'm greated by Jack and his minions. Oh joy.

I see Ray in the distance, motioning me to run.

"Hey emo, what's up?" Jack says walking close to me.

"Hey, it would be nice to stay out of my space asshole." I said backing up.

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