An Abnormal Day

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A/n: Ugh, sorry, life's kinda hard right now. The story's getting deeper and darker. ;) be ready.

Gerard p.o.v.

So, a crazy bitch just kissed me...

I don't even wanna think about what she whispered to me. I mean, I'm bi, but I DISLIKE HER.

But Frank looked shocked, and helpless.

"Uh, ew." Is all I could manage to say. Frank looked at me expressionless.

Ray looked hopelessly confused, and was frowning. Bob's jaw dropped, and Mikey was just sitting there with a regular expression on his face.




"Well, Gerard, what did she say to you?" Frank asked me.

I gave Mikey a scared look.

Frank gave me the "I'm waiting" look.

"I'd rather not say..." I say, looking down.

Frank lets out a big sigh. He looks down at the floor, then puts his head on the table. He seems kind of upset, but more relieved.

"It doesn't matter anyway. I didn't really like her that much." He says. You can barely make out what he said because his heads on the table and he's speaking to the ground. Poor Frank. It's like he's talking to no one.

The bell rings.

Time for math... Woo. *hint my sarcasm.*

I walk into the room, and Vanessa is in the room.

Great. Doesn't this day just keep getting better and better.

"Hey Geebear." She says batting hr eyelashes.

"Uh hi..." I say awkwardly.

She pats the seat next to mine, and I feel an arm grab my from behind, and pull me towards a different desk.

I'm startled at first, but realize, it's just Bob.

"Avoid her." He whispers.

I nod, then, walk up to the teachers desk asking what I've missed, and how I can keep up. I also introduce myself to her.

The teacher is very, very old. But seems really nice.

"Hello, I'm a new student here, my name is Gerard Way, and I was wondering if you could help me get caught up?" I say politely.

"I guess lucks on your side today, because they are just starting a new chapter today." She says back, and dismisses me to my seat.

Thank god.

The late bell rings.

"Okay, before we start class, I would like to welcome our new student. Gerard please stand up." She says to the class.

I stand up awkwardly.

"Looks like another emo faggot to me." I hear a voice say.

The whole class laughs, except for Bob.


"I'm not bulling, I'm stating the truth." He says, which makes the class laugh harder. Bob just facepalms.

I guess wearing a black Green Day hoodie is a fashion no no.

The teacher hands the douche bag a detention slip, and he gives me a death look.

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