Chapter 16

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From Liam:

Are you allowed out? 

I glanced down ay my phone quickly when I heard that I had a new message. I was sitting across from my mum at our kitchen table. Ever since I was expelled and finally stood my own ground, we've sort of began to grow closer again. All those times when I bitterly accused her for leaving me behind as she closed herself off from the world. 

"You mind if I go out? I'll be sure to make it back before dad gets home." I reassured my mum, who I wanted to believe w

"What for?" She asked me as she snapped stems off of some green beans for dinner later. 

"Someone was wondering if I could see them." I told her, wanting to keep Liam and his help as my secret for right now. Because I'm getting better and thinking about good things, Liam's probably my best kept secret. He always was because I knew that he was gay and never told a soul, even though I had thought about doing that, ruining what we've built over it.

"Who?" She asked, her tone light and still curious. I didn't know if she thought I had any friends after realising how horrible her son has been treating people.

"Um," I licked over my lips with my tongue, "Liam. He's from the team," I paused and pointed to my own face, "and he was the one who gave my face some lovely bruising since he was protecting Niall from me."

When she let out a sigh I automatically knew that she wasn't going to let me see Liam. I really wanted to, not only because I was strictly not allowed to leave the house for any fun but because my days of thinking couldn't be tolerated so much. That was all I could really do in my spare time: think and reflect on every single decision that I've made. Most of them were bad and really stupid. 

"Do you remember when your father and I had to go to the school to meet with your principal?" She asked me, still distracting herself by snapping the green beans. 

A few days after the big incident, my parents were contacted by the school. I only found out about it because my mum told me. My father was the one who answered the call and since he didn't speak to me at all anymore, I would probably never had found out about it. I still didn't know what happened at the meeting. I think my mum was waiting to tell me without my father being at home. It was easier for us when he wasn't around. 

I slowly nodded, feeling a bit apprehensive to hear about what had been discussed. The only thing I could guess was that mine and Zayn's expulsions weren't going to be reconsidered. I wasn't sure I wanted to return to school anyway, not after everyone finding out about what we've done. 

"Your father took one look at the poor boy and treated him the same cruel way he treated you, even spoke about you in a way a father should never speak about his own son." She said, her voice already fighting to keep her emotions stable. "I think he treats everyone that way. He wasn't so angry when I met him." She sadly confessed to me. 

If he did, then I hoped my mum would have never wanted to see him again. 

She swallowed and let out a shaky breath, her fingers no longer being able to break apart the green beans. "As the boy spoke about all the things you've done, my heart completely broke. I never saw you being capable of doing such horrible things to another person but then I look at your father and know just how possible it really is. I wish he treated you better and I wish I could have told him off before any of this happened."

"Mum," I reached across the table to offer her a comforting hand. She couldn't blame herself for all that has happened. A lot of it was all my fault. 

"He's not pressing charges against you or Zayn for what you did." She let out a long relieved sigh, her head bowing as she held herself back from crying. 

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