Chapter 18

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"I'm the one who provides for this family, Jay!" My father shouted at my mum from downstairs. 

"What family? When was the last time we've ever felt like a family to you? I can at least say the only time you've ever been a father to Louis was when you found out he was going to be a boy!" I heard my mum shout back, heartbreak in her voice and there was also heartbreak stinging in my chest.

They were still fighting practically every night, waiting until I was upstairs in my room where they thought I couldn't hear them. I could hear every word of it. Right now, I was actually standing outside of my door, my hands curled up so tightly into fists that I knew they'd hurt once I tired to relax them. 

I probably should give them their privacy the believe they have but I was annoyed with their constant fighting and I had a feeling there wasn't much that was going to be resolved between them or between us. My mum was right. We haven't been a family at all.

"Then you should hear yourself when you talk to him because no father should say those things to their son!" 

"I can talk to him however I want to! At least I talk to him and ask him about his day! You're the one who's gone fucking mute! What kind of mother are you?" 

That was it. That was the accusation that made me snap. Yeah, I've made my comments about how my mum hasn't really been a mum to me over the past few years but she was my mum before and she was trying to be my mum now. She was starting to protect me and herself from danger, and my father was the greatest danger we've ever had to face. 

"Hey!" I shouted angrily, my feet pounding against the stairs as I ran down them, not really prepared to see. I have no clue if he'd ever hit my mum but I wouldn't let him touch her ever again.

"Louis," my mum started before the other man, who I no longer want to call my father, talked over her.

"Get your arse back upstairs. This is none of your fucking business." His face was red and he was actually sweating just from yelling at my mum. 

I shook my head as I kept my angered stare on him. "No. You don't talk to her like that. Sure, you've talked to me like I'm nothing but I won't hide away anymore so you can keep on like this." I sort of felt like I was saying goodbye to him and I was a little bit happy that I was. This could be one of the last times I'd ever have to see him if this played out in mine and my mum's favour.

He just looked at me like he was disgusted by the fact that I've talked back to him again. It's as if I've proved to him that I'm not the weak boy that always let him say whatever he wanted about me. There's still a human inside of me. One that's been buried alive but climbing out of its deep grave. 

My mum walked over to me then and placed her hand on my shoulder. She was crying now. "I want you to leave. I'm done living like this."

He shook his head as if my mum were completely insane. "I'm not going to leave my house."

"She said she wants you to leave and I suggest that you do." I gave him a warning. I didn't know if it would be a fight to get him to listen or not but if he had to be removed from this house, then that was just going to have to be the way he left us. It would probably embarrass him and he deserved a bit of that. 

As I took a step forward, I felt my mum's hand squeeze my shoulder, somewhat trying to hold me back. She was protecting my but right now it was my turn to protect the both of us. "I don't want to see you here. She doesn't want you here so I suggest you finally do something right by us and just go." 

I looked into his eyes and I felt that, for the first time, he reacted to me by being the one to leave out of fear. He didn't go to pack a bag or anything like that. He just looked at my challenging eyes and back away, a frustrated sigh being the last thing we heard from him.

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