Chapter 21

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"Lou," Liam breathed out, his hands gripping at my hair, giving it a small tug before he rested his forehead to mine with his eyes closed and his brow furrowed. 

I let out a sly chuckle as I watched Liam try to collect himself again. I licked at my lips before I moved my head a bit so I could place my lips back onto Liam's, his lips softer now that we've been snogging  at the small playground at some abandoned church. I found it a bit ironic that we could be pretty sinful right where we were. Nobody could see us but that didn't matter much to me. 

"Liam." I repeated his name back to him once I've bitten his bottom lip, really not forcing myself to hold back on my coyness. It was a bit difficult to because I was the one getting Liam Payne all bothered. I knew I had this affect on him before but that was with his annoyance with me. It was much more satisfying to me now that I've got him just like this. 

A week has passed since the team returned to school. I didn't get to see or hear much from Liam like I hoped to because he was busy getting his start on his end of the term coursework. He'd message me during his lunch time when he could. His parents wanted him to mainly focus on his studies since he missed that one week of school and then had the weekend away with the other boys. In about a month or so it would be time to start up on revisions. That's the only part about school that I'm a bit glad I didn't have to take part in. I absolutely hated taking exams. The only thing that I'm really missing out on is the chance to get into university without the markings I needed. 

I missed people and the good memories I've been able to have since the true identity of my life is a bit tragic. Even though I missed the lads from the team, I haven't exactly reached out to them since my head's been filled up with more uncertainty than I could really handle. It wasn't like any of them, besides Liam, rang me up or anything either. I was just about to accept the fact that I was no longer a part of the team anymore because I was gone but, apparently, the team hasn't forgotten about me as much I thought they did. 

From Blake:

Party at Dan's. U in?

I haven't heard much from Blake since I left but whenever there's a party he'll be sure to make sure that I know about it. I don't know why he's so keen on that. Maybe he thought that partying with me was a boost in his popularity with the rest of the team. I used to have the greatest time at parties and everybody knew that. Well, they didn't know about the other parts about being bitter and kissing boys named Liam.

I told Blake that I'd try to come but my parents were being pretty strict with my since my expulsion and all that.

Then I also heard from Michael about the party as well. I guess the news of my return didn't pass through to too many people after I responded to Blake's invite. I didn't even know if Dan wanted me at his house ever again after how I behaved all those times before.

I knew that if I went then there was a possibility of seeing Harry and Niall again. They definitely never wanted to see my face ever. They were free of me so they shouldn't have to be having a great night and then seeing my show up like I owned the place. Niall's already dealt with the sudden return of Zayn so I had no clue if he was expecting me to follow after or not. Harry and Liam would probably protect him from me anyway. That was something that would never change.

After finding out about the party I told Liam about it. He confirmed that there was one and he wanted to talk to me about something. He sounded a bit urgent about whatever it was but I guess I've been purposefully distract him a bit from telling me, or I've just really missed kissing Liam. Whatever he was going to say I wasn't ready to hear it because I didn't need any more bad news, like this could be the part where he was going to tell me that this would be the last time I'd get to see him like this. Would Liam really do that to me?

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