September 2nd, 1994

12 0 0

Dear person reading,

You may not know who I am or you may know who I am; but, all I want to say, for now, is that it's getting hard at home. Especially, since my grandpa has came home, and my parents won't even tell me why he looks so sad, and why he can't even remember my name, every time he sees me. When he says he wants tomato soup, and my mother brings it to him, a couple minutes after, he then asks why she gave that to him and why she says that he wants it. It's sad, sometimes. And, sometimes, I'm scared. Scared that I won't know what had happened and why he's here and that I won't be able to know before he passes away then my parents pass away. And, this whole thing of not knowing. I started school last week, and well, it's the same, like every year. It's hard for my family when I go to school, I know it's hard for us right now and I just don't like seeing them upset, I wish I could do something.



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