September 5th, 1994

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Dear whomever,

Remember the other day when I said my mom told me something would be genetic? I still don't know what she was talking about at all. Was she giving me a clue? Was she just trying to help? Or, to make me less scared? Well, it didn't help, at all. In fact, it made things worse. Especially my concentration at school. My grades have probably dropped. And, I just can't fathom of why my parents won't even tell me what has happened. Whatever it is, they can tell me. They always tell me that I can tell them anything, when they can't even tell me everything!! Sorry for the rant and "yelling ..?" I'm just a little frustrated, I shouldn't take it out on you though, I don't think you did anything. Anyways, when I came home yesterday, it was silence again, except for the occasional 'hello' and 'how was your day?' and sometimes 'Arthur;' but, when I would look over and say huh, no one would say anything. Sorry for the complaints, I just hope this could help you with anything of when you're feeling down or scared or mad or upset or nervous. Just know it'll get better, even though it isn't for me, right now.


Arthur !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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