
51 10 1

Jane West





Once I shakily step inside the broken down house I'm pushed to the ground.

"No please! I'm sorry I won't do it again! I swear!" I stare into his bloodshot eyes and begin to quiver in fear.

"I know you won't you worthless piece of shit! No wonder your step-mom left you with me! I bet she couldn't stand looking at your face any longer!" His voice echoes through out the house. I shake my head in a protest but stop when he grabs my chin harshly. His horrid breath filling my senses. I hold back from gagging.

"Stand up bitch!" I push myself up and look straight into his eyes. Guilt flashes in his eyes but it disappears quickly. His once beautiful hazel eyes now rimmed with red and pupils dilated to the point they look almost black.

"H-how can you stand doing this to me? Is it because she left you?! Is it because she never lo-" I'm cut off when he slaps me. Keeping my head turned I grip my cheek.

The next 30 minutes were used to beat me with ever he could find.


The next morning I wake up unbearable pain. I limp to the bathroom and stare at the girl in the mirror. Her pitch black hair matted to her head and her once electric blue eyes now dull. I pick up my brush and throw it against the mirror. The glass shatters.

"You can't fix whats been broken." I mutter. Tears escape my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I crouch down on the ground, ignoring the shards of glass digging into my thighs. I pick one up and look at myself once more before I drag it across both arms and thighs.


After a few minutes of sitting on the ground I throw the glass away and strip off my now bloody clothes. I step into the scolding hot water. My back muscles relax, but I scream in pain. I look down at my chest and see burn marks. I move out of the shower and whimper. How could I not of noticed that he burnt me with cigarettes. A broken sob escapes my mouth as I slide down the wall.

I have to get out of here.

I have to run.

I have to follow the moonlight.

Monday. I run Monday.


The next day I go to work wearing loose baggy clothes. Even though they're saggy and loose the material rubs against my cuts and burns.

I walk up to the counter with my head down. My black hair covering every inch of my face.

"Oh sweetie! You're here great we've had a bunch of people coming in to-," She stops suddenly when I look at her, "Oh my god..."

I shake my head as tears well up in my eyes.

"Please.. Don't." I swallow down the painful lump. She nods and continues on with what she was saying. I block everything out and continue on with working.

The rest of the day was filled with pain and silent tears.

When I got home I was lucky that my father wasn't there. I run straight to my room and slam the door, shutting out the world and leaving me with my thoughts.

nyctophilia nyc·to·phil·i·a (nĭk'tə-fĭl'ē-ə)n. A preference for the night or darkness. Also called scotophilia .

I feel myself falling into darkness and I do nothing to stop it from happening either. I put up a wall and its crumbling down. Everything is going horribly. My mind is a jail cell that I can't get out of. My home is hell and this whole town. I can't wait to get away.

I can't till I taste the freedom.


Sunday comes way to soon. This whole week passed by a blur. Friday and Thursday were the worst. My father came home drunk and high. It was scary. His eyes were as red as blood and his sickly pale blue lips were pulled into a evil smirk. A smirk that I've come to be familiarized with.

I sit on my bed waiting for sleep to consume my worries and nerves.

Tomorrow would be the day I get away from everything and everyone here.

I shut my eyes and drift off to the unknown.

Melissa - Later babes !! (:

This chapter was written on July 16,2015

-Melissa and Darby xx

Moonlight || h.sDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora