Ch 9; The kiss (Skylox)

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Ty P.O.V.

I was walking around the house all bored, not feeling like doing a video so I decided to go talk to Sky. So I knocked on his door. "Come in" I here him say. I opened the door and walked in. "Hey Sky." I said. "Oh wats sup" He said. So I just sat there, all awkward. "Wa chu doin? " he asked. "Nothing. Just bored as fuck. Want to do something ?" (XD)I asked him "I don't know what. I'm bored to." So I just laid in the bed. Then Sky laid with me. I sorta blushed.

Our faces we're inches apart. Then he started to lean in. I was a little zoned out on what was happening but felt a pair of lips on mines. I was surprised at firs, but then melted by the thouch of his soft lips. I didn't wanted the moment to end, but sadly we needed air. Fuck you air! "What was that for?" I asked him. "Hehe I-" he was cutt off by the door bell. "I'll get it" *sigh* I wonder what he was going to say to me. Guess I'll never know now.

I walked downstairs to see Jason on the couch. Cuddling with Sky. I sighed again. I guess we were never ment to be. Sky saw me, and looked down. I think I saw love in his eyes when he saw me. Those eyes that I can stare at forever. Getting lost in them. I saw Sky talking to Jason. While Jason's eyes had tears in them.'Whats happening?' I wonder. "Is everything OK?" I asked them. "Ty shut up! Its all your fault Bitch! Get you ugly ass face out of his life! You caused this!" Jason said.And he left. I had some tears triked in my face. I've been called that in my life. I've been bullied and been treated like trash.

I went up to my room and when to the bathroom and got out my blade. "Ty! Come out!" Sky said, but I didn't listen. I put the blade against the pale skin. Worthless *slice* idiot "Ty! You better no do what I think your doing!" I here him say.But I kept on going. *slice* rejected *slice* denied *slice* he'll never love me *slice* "Ty! I'm going to kick down this door if you don't open it." He said. I don't care. I got some paint from my blood and wrote on the wall Pathetic and Worthless."That's it Ty! I'm going to open the door" Thats what I am . I finished. By that time, Sky was in the bathroom.

"L-like m-my art w-work" I said.There's a lot of words in the bathroom. Words that is painted with my own blood. "Oh Ty. Why do you do this to your, beautiful skin" he said. He sat on the floor, and hugged me not caring if the blood stains his shirt. "Why did you kiss me?" I mumbled in his shirt. "Hu?" He said. "I said why did you kiss me?" I said more clearly. "O-oh that. Well it's because I realized that I love you. And you we're right. The reason Jason said that he was the only reason he was dating me. It's the reason I broke up with him. And because I love you" He said. He cupped my face and kissed me. Offcours I kissed back. When we aparted, there was a string of sailiva. I started to feel dizzy and started to see back spots in my vision. "Ty! Ty!" Sky said, and that was the last thing I here before blacking out of blood loss.


Me: Yeah! Skylox happened

Sky: Only because you told us to act it for the book *crosses arms*

Me: But you still like him tho right? *smirks*

Sky: Y-yeah I guess. But don't tell Ty!

Ty: U-uh

Me and Sky: *turns around*

Sky: O-oh. He-

Ty:*kisses Sky in the lips*

Me: So Skylox is officially official YEAH!! ANYWAYS, as always craft on my crafters. Starr out ✌

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