Chapter 1~ Percy "Dies"

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(After a council meeting; walking home by himself. -Percy Jackson)

Chapter 1~ Percy "Dies"

No one pov

A bronze spear pierced through Percy's stomach as he was walking to the elevator. He cried out and fell to the floor.

He lay there for about 10 minutes before he saw Nico running to him, calling his name. His vision was getting really blurry.

"Pe-ercy! NO!" It sounded distant. Percy was already dead by the time Nico got to him.

"Noo.... Percy...." Nico cried. He noticed a swirling smoke-ish looking thing rising through the air. It was sea-green like Percy's eyes. Then silver and black shot through. Then white.

A black crystal appeared next to Nico. A note said:

Dear, whoever is reading

Give this crystal to Nico. Touch the crystal to the swirl above my chest. I will then tell you what to do next.

~Percy Jackson

Nico ran to the throne room with Percy's body, where the gods were having a quiet conversation. As soon as he entered, sobbing, everyone went silent.

Nico pov

I set Percy down. He still had the thing above his chest.

I did as I was told, and touched the crystal to the swirl above Percy's chest.

As the crystal touched it, a ghost figure of Percy appeared next to his body.

"Hellloow. Hey death breath." Ghost Percy said.

More tears streamed down my face. I didn't even feel him die.... strange.

Aphrodite squealed. "OH MY GODS!!! YES!! My new OTP!!!!!!! Niccoo and P-" shadows encircled her.

"Don't even dare, love goddess." Ghost Percy said.

My eyes widened when I realized Percy did that. The hell? I thought.

Suddenly Percy turned around, to apparently look at someone.

"Luke! I'm trying to talk to people here." He hissed.

Luke Castellan's (don't think that's right) voice came back, "Perce, don't get sassy with me. I can still tell him your little secret. >:3 " you could hear the smirk in his voice.

Percy paled, if even possible. "Don't you dare."

"Nicccoooo!!! Percy-" A crash sounded and Percy smirked. What was he going to say? Like? I shook those thoughts off.

He turned back to us. "Sorry. Anyway-"

Cupid appeared in ghost form. Dammit.

"Percy. Nico. Hello." He smirked evily.

"Nooooooooooo. Please Eros? For your brother?" He used his baby seal eyes.

Eros sighed. "Fine. I won't. You both need to decide by yourself. Anyway, Percy, Father needs us. In the throne room. Now." And he dissolved.

Percy sighed. "I have to go. I will come back in the flesh next time you see me. And Nico....." he trailed off.

"Yes?" I asked warily.

"........ Be careful." And with that, he and his body dissolved into nothing.

Okaaaaaayyy then.

Poseidon was staring dumbfounded at where his son just was. Everyone seemed great with the fact they could see the hero of Olympus again.

(After the Giant War Annabeth became a hunter because she was offered a place in the hunt, leaving Percy to get over her and to like Nico in a way he thought he never would.) (will be explained in a flashback soon)

(In the throne room on Planet Chaos[where Percy is{He is in his body not his ghost form}])

Percy pov

I sat on my throne. Yes, I said throne. Each commander gets one, plus the primordials. I was a commander, the First Commander, yet I rivaled all the Olympians' powers. Maybe even some primordials as well.

I was the First Commander, meaning I was the first ever commander of the army, first in command, and most powerful of them all.

Anyway, the rest of the commanders sat down on either side of me. Soon, the primordials arrived and sat on their thrones.

I huffed a little in annoyance and started playing with a small water tornado on my armrest.

"What is it, Father?" I asked. Chaos is my adopted father. He adopted me after I pretty much disowned Poseidon as a father. And as him adopting me, I got all the powers and became the heir to Chaos. I also got to see my dead friends. My dead friends included: Luke, Bianca, Zoe, Ethan(he wasn't really a friend but I gave him a second chance), Michael, Lee, Beckendorf, Silena, and Calypso.

"Kronos, Order, and End are destined to rise in 10 years or on Earth, 10 months. So we must prepare. They are going to attack Earth. I will send you there when they rise. The only one to defeat Order and End is Percy. His power surpasses mine, matter of fact." He replied.

My friends smirked at me being the hero again. I groaned. Luke was staring at me stupidly. I smirked at him.

"Is that all?" Gaea asked. Me and her were friends ever since she said she was sorry after the Giant War.

"Yes, I believe it is. Council dismissed." Everyone left, except Eros and Luke. I got off my throne and walked to them.

Eros smiled at me. I glared at him.

"Did you tell him?" Luke asked.

"No. I didn't... Now shut up." I walked away thinking about random things.

This is going to be a long 10 years/months.

Percy- Commander Foxy/Commander/Foxy, First Commander, first in command
Luke- Savior, second in command
Bianca- Angel, third in command
Zoe- Star, fourth in command
Beckendorf- Flame, fifth in command
Silena- Destiny, fifth in command (Beckendorf and Silena are married)
Michael- Healer, sixth in command and second healer
Lee- Sun, seventh in command and best archer along with Zoe and Bianca
Ethan- Pirate, eighth in command and official spy for the army
Calypso- Moonlace, official healer

Just trying new things :3

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