Chapter 9~ The Marionette

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Chapter 9~ The Marionette

Percy pov

I teleported to Liam to find him in his puppet form.

"Hey, Liam." I said.

He turned. "Oh, hi, Percy. Did it work?"

"Yep. You're free." I replied.

He hugged me as much as he could in a puppet. We pulled away after a moment.

Then, the worst happened.

Liam turned into a ghost, and I was suddenly taller and thinner.

Liam gasped. "Oh crap. Percy, don't panic. You, um... turned into the Marionette..."

I was shocked. I summoned a mirror and saw the Marionette with its permanent smile, purple tears, and thin body.

"Styx. I better go figure out what happened. Bye Liam." I said rather quickly.

I teleported to Half-Blood Hill and floated down the hill, my legs trailing behind me in the air.

Luke or Savior ran up to me when I reached the bottom.

"Liam?! What are you doing here?" He asked.

I sighed. "I'll explain in the cabin. Get the others."

He nodded and got the team in the cabin. I teleported to the living room where everyone was.

"Okay, I have a lot of explaining to do. It's not Liam.... Its Percy. When I went to tell Liam he was free, he became a ghost and I became the Marionette........." I said.

Everyone gasped.

"What?!" Ethan yelped.

I nodded. "Don't tell anyone. It must be kept a secret, for I believe the Ancient Prophecy is starting. I should've seen it sooner. One line informs that there will be one with many forms; which is probably me. It also states that the one with many forms will be the oldest thing in existence; which means Void. The prophecy states that there will be two puppets and a fox, where bad things are bound to happen."

They stared at me. Oh, wait, they've never heard of the Ancient Prophecy. Oh well.

"What does the prophecy actually say?" Lee and Michael asked in unison.

I sighed. "I can not tell. Only a few people know of it: It's guardians and I. Not even Chaos knows."

The lunch horn blew in the distance.

"Well... time for lunch. Let us go. I will be hiding in this form for a while, until I can figure out how to turn back." I said.

They all lined up and walked to the dining pavilion, me floating above.

I dropped down next to Chiron, who stared at me.

"Who are you?" He asked kindly, fear flashing across his eyes.

"I'm the Marionette." I answered.

Red started dancing my vision.

"No! Where is it? Where's my music box?!" I growled and made my music box appear. It started playing a soft song, which calmed me greatly and made the red go away.

"Why do you need a music box?" Annabeth asked.

"Because if I don't have one, this one, and it's not playing, I get a bloodlust and kill the one who forgot to wind my music box. It makes me angry, so I calm myself with the tune. It helps wonderfully." I said quietly, yet everyone heard me.

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