Chapter 6

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Baileys POV

"Ok so you call me tomorrow morning when you wake up ok?" Dad says while holding my hands in his car.

I nod, feeling sweat start to form from my nervousness.

"And if anything bad happens and you need serious help, you call me ok I don't care what time it is" he adds, pulling my head towards him and kisses the top of it.

"Ok dad" I whisper shakily. I've never broken a rule this major and I'm terrified.

"Come on, I'll walk you to the door" he says and opens the door, getting out and rushing to my side to open mine for me.

I hop out and dad places his hand on my back, guiding me to the old beat up house.

When we get to the porch Dad knocks a couple times, causing me to try and back up but he holds me in place. "You'll be ok sweetheart" Dad whispers into my hair.

I nod and Justin throws open the door, I'm not surprised when I see a beer bottle in one hand.

Justin's eyes land on me and anger flares through him, but he holds it off seeing as dad was right here. "Oh hey Norman, this is a surprise.. Bailey was grounded" Justin says and frowns.

"Yeah well, I told her to come.." Dad says irritated.

"Well last time I checked, you aren't the one to make those decisions" Justin chuckles and sips on his beer.

I feel myself hiding in dads side, not wanting him to leave. "I'm her father so I have legal rights to see her" dad barks at him.

"Well good for you... Get inside Bailey" Justin orders and moves aside.

I look up at dad fearfully and he nods pushing me towards the house. "I'll see you soon sweetheart.. I love you" dad says.

"Love you too" I whisper and feel Justin's hand on my wrist pulling me in the house.

"Bye now" Justin says and slams the door on dad and turning his attention back to me.

"Do you know how much trouble you're in?" Justin snarls at me. His nose flaring and his eyes filled with anger.

I swallow hard and shake my head.

"I told you, you were not allowed to see your dad and what did you do?!" He screams and throws his empty beer bottle at my legs, causing my to jump and hiss in pain when it lands on my shin.

"You little brat!" He yells and pushes me over onto the floor and starts kicking my sides. "Are you deaf?!" He screams and kicks me again. "Are you that dumb you don't know how to follow simple rules?!"

Justin grabs my arm and pulls me to a stand. "I should just end you... Who would miss you anyways? You just mess everything up" he says and squeezes my hand tightly.

"Please stop" I whisper ever so lightly.

"Oh the baby wants me to stop?" Justin mocks and laughs at his joke.

"Too bad" he growls and slaps me hard across the face. "Should be have broken the rules" he adds and backhands me again.

Justin then grabs my shirt and throws me onto the ground, my head hitting the corner of the coffee table making me dizzy.

I hear him open his pocket knife and panic arises in me. He couldn't possibly kill me right? He'll be put in jail.

I feel the fabric of my shirt be ripped open by his knife followed by the sounds of his belt. Not this again. This is the worst.

"What are you?" He asks standing above me holding his belt high.

"Worthless" I mutter and he smiles, bringing the belt down and whipping my back. Causing my to scream in pain.

I feel the warm blood trickle down my back and pool by my sides. Tears start forming in my eyes as he whips me several more times.

"Let's add something special to this artwork" Justin says and flips his pocket knife out again.

I cry out in pain as I feel him dragging the knife across my back in the shape of a 'J'.

"There" he says and walks away, leaving me to bleed out on the living room floor.

This is why I didn't want dad to leave.

I try to crawl to my bedroom, where my phone was located but every move makes my back scream in pain.

Forcing through it I manage to crawl back into my room, a trail of blood following behind me.

I grab my bed off the charger and lay on the floor with my back up. I dial my dads number and ignore the blood that is left on my phone.

I shakily pull the phone up to my ear and listen to the ringing. It hadn't even been an hour since dad left.

"Hello?" Dad answers and I hear ruffling in the background. He probably just got to his apartment.

"D-dad?" I ask, my voice shaky and weak.

"Are you ok?" He asks, concerned.

"No" I cry, tightly grabbing the phone as my head starts to cloud. "I'm a-about to pass out" I stutter.

"Wait what happened sweetheart?" He Asks.

"J-Justin s-stabbed me... There's so much blood dad .. P-please help me" I cry

"Fuck! Ok baby can you walk?" Dad asks panicked and I can hear him rushing around.

"N-no" I answer.

"Shit.. Uh ok.. Um I got an idea hold on baby I'll call you back.. Stay awake for me ok? I'm coming to get you" dad says.

"Ok" I whisper and dad hangs up.

I rest my head on the floor and try to keep from passing out. My vision starts clouding and my head is spinning.

I try to stay awake as hard as I can.

My phone starts ringing and I see its dad. "Hello?" I whisper. My voice is really weak.

"Ok baby there's an ambulance on the way and I'm-" was the last thing I head before the world went black.

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