chapter 8

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I'm not sure how often I can update but I will try to update everyday. If you have any suggestions or comments just let me know. Sorry for the interruption. Still Vic's POV. Continue.
I have to stay at the hospital for one more night and kellin has to stay for two more. His parents came to check on him but left after a while. They didn't argue while they were here. They found out about me and kellin. They were happy for us. "Mr.Fuentes?" A doctor came in kellins room. I spent most of my time there. "Yes?" I asked standing up. "You need to come back to your room. They are going to take the IVs out. You seem to be fine. You still need to stay another night for observation but other than that your good". I nodded "I'll be right back kells" I kissed his forehead.
They had me sit on my bed "ok so this is going to hurt a little" the lady informed me. "Ok. Just go ahead and get it over with" I said. She ripped the tape stuff off or my arm leaving the needle exposed. That didn't feel great because it was like super tape. Then she slowly and pretty painfully pulled the needle out of my skin. "Wasn't to bad was it?" She asked disposing the stuff. "Not to bad. Still didn't feel good but it wasn't to bad" I rubbed my arm, standing up. "Your good if you want to go back to Mr.Quinns room" she smiled. "I planed on it" I said walking into kellins room. "Hey kells" I sat beside him "how ya feeling?" I asked even though I had just left him. He didn't have any major damage but they wanted him to stay longer, just in case. "Pretty good. How about you" he looked at my arm. It had a bandaid on it. "Fine. Didn't hurt to bad" I sat beside him on the bed. "Good". We passed the day, talking, laughing and hating the terrible food. "Mr.Fuentes its time to come back to your room" a voice called from the door. The only reason kellin can sleep while I'm gone is because he is on so much medicine. "Goodnight. I love you" I gave him a quick kiss. "Goodnight. Love you too".
I walked out of the room and into mine. I get lonely at night sometimes. But I end up falling asleep anyways.
"Good morning Vic"my doctor said "you can leave whenever you are ready" he smiled then walked out. I grabbed my cloths and changed. I didn't plan on going home. I'm going to stay with kellin. I walked into his room. His eyes met mine and they brightened up. "Hey kells. I get to leave" I said. "I'm glad. Go home and get some sleep in Your bed" he said. "I'm staying with you. Don't try to talk me out of it either" I said and sat on the bed. He raised his hands up in mock surrender "yes sir". I chucked. "I can't wait to take you on that date" I said. We never made it to the surprise. "Yeah. You owe me" he laughed. My parents got me a new car. The perks of having parents that work all of the time. "Your going to love it. Absolutely love it kells" I said taking his hand in mine. He smiled "I'm sure I will".
*kellins POV*
We are both out of the hospital now. We are on the way to the surprise. I got out yesterday. Vic told me I should talk to them about the panic attacks and insomnia but I brushed it off. The only help I need is from Vic. When I was in the coma everything was black. I couldn't move or see but I could faintly hear. When he told me that he loved me I wanted to tell him back but I couldn't. I pushed and pushed until I could move. I squeezed his hand back. Then I tried to talk but all that came out was a groan. I eventually had enough energy to open my eyes and tell him that I loved him too.
"Kellin? You ok?" Vic asked snapping me back to reality. "No I'm not ok" he frowned "baby what's wrong?" He asked worried. "I'm not ok. I'm great" I smiled "and you just called me baby" I poked him and awed. He blushed. "No. Don't be embarrassed. It was cute" I kissed his cheek. He smiled "have I told you how much I love you?" He asked. "Maybe once or twice" I giggled. "Well I love you. I love you so much that it hurts" he pulled over near some woods. He brought his lips to mine. "Ok. Come on. Let's go" he said pulling away. I pouted. "Why are we going into the woods?" I asked confused. He smiled "you'll see". We walked for about 5 minutes. We came up and I seen the beautiful scene. A cite blanket laid out with pillows, and a picnic basket. Then in front of that a lake. "Its pretty private" he said pulling me to the blanket. We sat. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. "Don't worry. I changed the food" he chuckled. I laughed. After we ate we laid down beside each other. "This is amazing Vic" I said. "How about we go for a swim. Then lay under the stars?" He asked. I teared up. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me and it was beautiful. "What's wrong? What did I do?" He asked panicking. I smiled "its just so amazing. Your just so amazing. What did I do to disserve you?" I sat up. "You don't have to do anything to disserve me. I'm always here for you. Even if you don't want me" he brushed some hair out of my face. I kissed him. This is what I live for. He is what I live for. I smiled into the kiss and so did he. I pulled back and jumped up. "Let's go swimming" he smiled and got up. We stripped to out underwear, nothing new. But I am still amazed my his abs. The water was cold. I dipped my toe in and pulled it back. "To cold. Way to cold". "Oh come on kells. Its not that bad" Vic was already standing in the water. I shook my head. He had an evil grin on his face. "No Vic. Please" I started running. He caught me and picked me up. "Let's go swimming" he said carrying me to the water.

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