chapter 22

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"I can't. I can't. I can't" I started panicking as we boarded the plane. "Come on" vic guided me "its going to be ok" he tried to reassure me. With the lump in my throat I handed the lady my ticket and went to our seats. I sat down in the isle seat. Vic sat in the window seat. My whole body was shaking. He placed his hand on my leg and rubbed circles as he kissed me softly. " babe. Its ok. I won't let anything happen to you" he said pulling away. I nodded, the feeling of anxiety was still flowing through me. I thought I was going to be ok until the lady's voice came over the intercom "please make sure all electronics are off and please buckle up and remain seated. We will be taking off shortly". I lost it. I shook uncontrollably and it became hard to breath. Vic held me and whispered into my ear "its ok baby, just breath. I got you. I love you" his words always clam me. But I was still freaking out until she said that we could unbuckle. Vic pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and sat like that for as long as I could.

My happy place (kellic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu